whales dolphins and porpoises

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Results 1 - 10 from 110 for whales dolphins and porpoises in 0.245 sec. - Dolphins and porpoises in New Zealand
Dolphins and porpoises in New Zealand New Zealand marine mammals: Whales Dolphins Seals and other pinnipeds Marine mammals: Selected bibliography Main sections ---------------------- Land & ... & Wildlife>Wildlife>New Zealand's native wildlife>Marine mammals Dolphins and porpoises Sorry, this page is under re-construction Top of page Copyright and disclaimer © Nature ...

Ocean Alliance - FAQ - Whales
Yes. Most people assume that whales were saved sometime back in the 1980's. Sadly however, hundreds of large whales and thousands of smaller whale species such as pilot whales, dolphins and porpoises ... animal is yet to be classified and remains an unidentified species. << TOP How can I identify cetaceans in the wild? Identifying whales, dolphins and porpoises in the wild can be a ...

Sable Island Whales & Dolphins
Sable Island. Most of these are "toothed whales" (Odontoceti) such as Sperm whales and dolphins ...

Journal of Cetacean Research and Management
Cetacean Research and Management CITED AS: J. Cetacean Res. Manage. '...should be held in libraries wherever research, management, or policy of any sort are developed on whales ... the conservation and management of whales, dolphins and porpoises, and in particular papers that are relevant to the tasks of the IWC Scientific Committee. These will include papers on: population assessment and trends ...

Whales - Introduction
Great Australian Bight Whale Sanctuary, South Australia has a long connection with whales. Whales belong to a group of marine mammals called cetaceans, including all whales, dolphins and porpoises ...

Cetaceans: Whales, Dolphins, and Porpoises - Office of Protected Resources - NOAA Fisheries
Whales, Dolphins, and Porpoises Killer Whale (Orcinus orca) Photo: NMFS Southwest Fisheries Science Center North Atlantic Right Whales (Eubalaena ... whales, dolphins, and porpoises are included in the Order Cetacea. Cetaceans are broken into two Suborders, or main groups, Mysticeti (baleen whales) and Odontoceti (toothed whales). There are 11 species of baleen whales and 67 species of toothed whales ...

The Oceania Project - Caring for Whales, Dolphins and the Oceans
Information organisation dedicated to Raising Awareness about Cetacea (Whales, Dolphins and Porpoises) and the Ocean Environment. Participate in the Internship Program aboard the Annual Whale Research Expedition and ...

Endangered whales
The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) and the Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society (WDCS) jointly issued a report concluding that "whales, dolphins and porpoises ( ... such a fast pace that it is unclear to what extent whales and dolphins will be able to adjust and we believe many populations are very vulnerable to predicted changes." ...

Whales, dolphins and porpoises in Australia
Whales, dolphins and porpoises Skip navigation Whales, dolphins & porpoises Protecting whales Whale species Permits Whale watching Legislation Research & conservation Australian Whale Sanctuary International protection History Rescue Sightings Whales & sound Industry information Media & publications Ambergris For kids For teachers Whales, dolphins and porpoises Whales, dolphins and porpoises are ...

whales and dolphins
Whales, dolphins and porpoises are warm-blooded marine mammals which belong to the Order Cetacea. Cetaceans are totally independent of land - they are mammals that have become aquatic and ... . bowhead. minke and grey whales feed on plankton. Toothed whales include the sperm. beaked. beluga. narwhal. killer and pilot whales. and the dolphins and porpoises. They feed on larger fish. squid and other ...

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