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Ocean Alliance - FAQ - Whales
Whales > About the Ocean Alliance > Whales > Right Whale Program > Voyage of the Odyssey > Cape Ann Whale Watch > Education Sperm Whales in the Bismarck Sea, Papua New Guinea. Photo: Chris Johnson WHALES Are whales ... The toothed whales, or Odonocetes possess teeth, and the baleen whales or Mysticetes are filter feeders. Amazingly it is very likely that there are still more species of whales to be ...
Provincetown Center for Coastal Studies | Humpback Whales | Introduction
Humpback whales, Megaptera novaeangliae, may be the most unique of the rorqual whales (baleen whales with parallel throat grooves). Big and bulky, they are not built for speed like minke or fin whales. ... humpback populations as a whole. Humpbacks are often considered the best studied of the baleen whales. Despite this, humpbacks are far from well-understood. Throughout their summer range, humpbacks ...
Sable Island Whales & Dolphins
(Odontoceti) such as Sperm whales and dolphins; a much smaller number (4% of the total cetaceans recorded for the island) are "baleen whales" (Mysticeti) such as Fin and Humpback whales. Of the strandings reported from Sable Island, five species - Pygmy and Dwarf sperm whales, Sowerby's and Blainville's beaked whales, and ...
Lives of Whales
Baleen Whales Summary of the life history of baleen whales Sperm Whales Summary of the life history of the sperm whale The Great Whales The first twelve of these are baleen (whalebone) whales, filter feeders with baleen ...
Migration of the Southern Humpback Whales
"Late in the fetal period, both odontocetes [toothed whales] and mysticetes [baleen whales] form tooth buds.[...] The mysticete tooth buds [...] are usually resorbed before birth. The formation of rudimentary baleen ...
Whales - Biology
Right Whales feed? Southern Right Whales are 'baleen whales' - instead of teeth they have comb-like baleen plates. When closed, their highly arched mouth covers the plates. Southern Right Whales are giants ... the spaces between the baleen, the crustaceans become trapped against the bristly plates and are swallowed. How do whales swim? Whales do not swim like fish. Whales have horizontal tail ...
Farallones Marine Sanctuary Association :: E-Newsletter :: February 2006 :: Killer Whales
Spanish sailors because of their efficient pack hunting of whales, killer whales eventually received their new fearsome moniker because of a transposition of the Spanish words ... and large baleen whales. Incredibly cunning and crafty, killer whales are often compared to wolves, as they communicate efficiently, hunt in packs and are deadly hunters. Two killer whales may toss ...
Whales: The Kids' Times - Office of Protected Resources - NOAA Fisheries
TAY shuhnz). There are two types of whales - toothed (odontocete) and baleen (mysticete). Several species of both toothed and baleen whales ...
whales and dolphins
Baleen whales. including the blue. fin. humpback right. sei. Bryde’s. bowhead. minke and grey whales feed on plankton. Toothed whales include the sperm. beaked. beluga. narwhal. killer and pilot whales. ... seabirds seahorses seals seas fit for seals sharks and rays starfish (the echinoderms) whales and dolphins related pages basking sharks marine turtles alien species surveys | copyright mcs 2008 ...
Whales - History
Whales hunted to near extinction. Southern Right Whales were considered the "right" whale to hunt because they float when dead, can yield many barrels of oil, have long baleen ... Whales were considered the "right" whale to hunt because they float when dead, yielded many barrels of oil, and long baleen plates. The also come very close to shore and move slowly. The whalers would watch for whales ...
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