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Ocean Alliance - FAQ - Whales
Whales > About the Ocean Alliance > Whales > Right Whale Program > Voyage of the Odyssey > Cape Ann Whale Watch > Education Sperm Whales in the Bismarck Sea, Papua New Guinea. Photo: Chris Johnson WHALES Are whales ... . The toothed whales, or Odonocetes possess teeth, and the baleen whales or Mysticetes are filter feeders. Amazingly it is very likely that there are still more species of whales to ...
Sable Island Whales & Dolphins
Sable Island. Most of these are "toothed whales" (Odontoceti) such as Sperm whales and dolphins; a much smaller number (4% of the total cetaceans recorded for the island) are "baleen whales" (Mysticeti) such as Fin and Humpback whales ...
Migration of the Southern Humpback Whales
Hervey Bay in 1997. (Photo: Trish Franklin) Humpbacks are baleen whales which means they have fibrous plates of baleen which hang like curtains from their ... back. INSERT: Pre-natal development of teeth and baleen in whales "Late in the fetal period, both odontocetes [toothed whales] and mysticetes [baleen whales] form tooth buds.[...] The mysticete tooth buds [...] are usually ...
Welcome to Forest and Bird
Lions Whales New Zealand is home to a number of species of whale. The two whale families are: Baleen whales eg. Southern right whale, Humpback whale, Bryde’s whale Toothed whales e.g. Sperm whale, beaked whales, dolphins Decades of poorly regulated hunting has reduced populations of most of the large whales ...
Narwhal, Arctic adventure, narwhal & Bowhead whales!
Facts about the Narwhal The Narwhal is a small toothed whale weighing about a ton up to 3000 pounds. ... out Narwhals, for me, one of the most interesting small toothed whales to be found anywhere in the world. Baffin Island ... South America, Asia and wherever there are whales. Gray whales, Tigers, Elephants, Giant Panda Bears, Blue whales, Whale sharks, Narwhals China, Canada, Thailand, Cambodia ...
Bottlenose - the Prince of Whales
Faroese - has been a regular visitor to the Faroe Islands. Unlike pilot whales, however, bottlenose whales have only occurred in small numbers over the years - a fact determined more by the whales themselves than by those who make the most of their welcome occurrence. The bottlenose whale belongs to the group of cetaceans known as odontocetes - or toothed whales. Apart from ...
Hunting for Whales in Small Boats that Never 'Die'
University of Arizona. Hunting for Whales in Small Boats that Never 'Die' Extracts ...Lamalera, a ... the sperm whale.... ....The fact that the fishermen here still hunt these whales "by hand" without mechanised power or explosive harpoons means ... even have the advantage. The men of Lamalera hunt only toothed whales: sperm, pilot and orca. Because it is said that a ...
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The Marine Mammal Center
Sea Lions Northern Fur Seals Guadalupe Fur Seals Sea Otters Cetaceans Toothed Whales Dolphins & Porpoises Baleen Whales Manatees Polar Bears Endangered Marine Mammals Resources for Teachers Kids ... sea otters cetaceans toothed whales dolphins and porpoises baleen whales manatees polar bears endangered resources for teachers marine science careers sea lions at PIER 39 Whales, Dolphins & Porpoises - ...
The Marine Mammal Center
Sea Lions Northern Fur Seals Guadalupe Fur Seals Sea Otters Cetaceans Toothed Whales Dolphins & Porpoises Baleen Whales Manatees Polar Bears Endangered Marine Mammals Resources for Teachers Kids ... sea otters cetaceans toothed whales dolphins and porpoises baleen whales manatees polar bears endangered resources for teachers marine science careers sea lions at PIER 39 Whales, Dolphins & Porpoises - ...
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whales and dolphins
Baleen whales. including the blue. fin. humpback right. sei. Bryde’s. bowhead. minke and grey whales feed on plankton. Toothed whales include the sperm. beaked. beluga. narwhal. killer and pilot whales. ... seabirds seahorses seals seas fit for seals sharks and rays starfish (the echinoderms) whales and dolphins related pages basking sharks marine turtles alien species surveys | copyright mcs 2008 ...
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