spear points

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Paleoindians (13,000 BC to 7,900 BC) | Gulf Region Heritage | Educator and Student Resources | Gulf of Mexico Program | US EPA
They did not have bows and arrows, but used spears, or lances that were probably thrown and thrust at large animals. The earliest spear points are known as Clovis points, ... points probably stayed continually on the move, following their prey. As a result, they probably used only small widely scattered camps, and few durable items remain other than their spear points. ...

Mountain Adventures
The team Anthropologist explains that some Native Americans used spear points like this one to hunt deer, elk, and bear on mountain slopes. When settlers later ... . How exciting! This means that there were people here before the Europeans. In fact, these spear points provide evidence that Native Americans lived in these mountains for at least 12,000 years ...

Mountain Adventures
In many places, you find small bits of chalcedony--the rock used to make spear points. These bits are the rock chips that are left over when spear points ... More from this site

Arctic Studies Center
Its tusks make lance or spear points or are carved into a great variety of useful and ornamental objects, and its bones ...

CHAMP - Coral Reef Biology - NOAA's Coral Health and Monitoring Program
Other fish can be easily sprayed with cyanide, which many times results in the ... understood. Many hypotheses exist as to the cause behind coral bleaching, but the strongest evidence points to elevated sea surface temperatures as being the main catalyst. It is hypothesized that stress ...

Archaic Cultures (8,000 BC to 1,000 BC) | Gulf Region Heritage | Educator and Student Resources | Gulf of Mexico Program | US EPA
Clovis points. This reflected new hunting techniques adapted to the smaller animals. The atlatl, or spear ... handle at one end and a hook at the other. A spear is laid alongside the atlatl with its butt end in the ... 's hook. It is used as a lever to throw the spear with greater force. Stone awls and drills, stone axes, bone fish ...

Harrison School 8th Grade Primitive Camping Trip
Bryce: Next, carve the 6-inch stick into points at both ends (not too sharp) and twist it into the cord on ... thought was the coolest, was the atlatl contest. An atlatl is an arrow-like spear with another stick with a notch at the end. It is used to throw the spear farther than you would throw it with your hands. At first it was hard ...

Hudson River Almanac -- June 1998
I came up with a spear point. Worked from argillite, it was identified as a Poplar Island point ... was first described. NYS archaeologist Bob Funk found four Poplar Island points, also made of argillite, in the 1970s a half mile south across Croton bay near Crawbuckie. These points, used by Hudson Valley hunter and gatherer Indians, were fixed to ...

FM 21-76 Army Survival Manual Chptr 12 Field-Expedient Weapons, Tools, And Equipment
EDGED WEAPONS Knives, spear blades, and arrow points fall under the category of edged weapons. The following ... ). Remember, to sharpen the edges, shave only the inner portion. Arrow Points To make an arrow point, use the same procedures for ... blade. Chert, flint, and shell-type stones are best for arrow points. You can fashion bone like stone--by flaking. You can ...

Atkinson: The Upper and Lower Amoor
Thus armed and costumed, we formed an imposing cavalcade. Among ... Sultan's aoul. Members of the tribe were stationed at different points, carrying spears and small flags to mark the route. After ... gave me a man who knew the route. There are several points in the gorge where basaltic rocks form grand features: shortly after ...

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