desired shape

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Results 1 - 10 from 105 for desired shape in 0.532 sec.

The ION STICK Electrostatic Water Treatment
Algae Control DETAILS: Up to date, can forming equipment mechanically punches the product into the desired shape. This process uses an organic based fluid for appropriate lubricating action. The metal working fluid ...

PLA Freedom Series Compact Blow Molding System Norland Intl. Bottled Water Products.
C), then stretched by air pressure into the desired shape and size. The new bottles exit the blow molder, cooling as they go. They are ... oz (1.5 L). Easy-to-change molds make moving from one bottle size or shape to another quick and easy. For more information, contact Norland IntÂ’l. Inc. by phone ...

Archaic Cultures (8,000 BC to 1,000 BC) | Gulf Region Heritage | Educator and Student Resources | Gulf of Mexico Program | US EPA
They also made fine stone spear and dart points, but varied their shape and size more than the older Clovis points. This reflected new hunting techniques adapted to ... a "native" copper. Native copper requires no smelting, but can be simply pounded into the desired shape. Turtle shell rattles, bone flutes, charms, and beads indicate a developing ceremonial tradition among Archaic ...

FM 21-76 Army Survival Manual Chptr 12 Field-Expedient Weapons, Tools, And Equipment
Next, find a piece of wood that is the right length ... iron (Figure 12-3). Start making the knife by roughing out the desired shape on your sharp piece of stone, using the chipping tool. Try ... of metal, one that most resembles the desired end product. Depending on the size and original shape, you can obtain a point and cutting ...

Green Home Building: Building with Unbonded Pumice
The internal pressure generated by the filling stretches the jacket tight ... diameter of 20 cm; after filling, they take on a elliptical shape, i.e. about 11 cm high and 25 cm wide. The ... a cross section that roughly corresponds to the shape of an inverted catenary. The desired shape is obtained with the aid of a rotating vertical ...

Larry Agran - Local Politics, Global Issues
In order to purchase food surpluses, cities themselves produced things that rural folks desired - tools, entertainment, and marketplaces for the exchange of rural produce. Cities became places of exchange ... of it that we find unpleasant. Can we stop the whole process? No. Can we shape it so that the system that evolves is more to our liking? Absolutely. That's ...

History of Public Toilets plumbing world
Household hygiene habits of ordinary people left much to be desired. The dry latrines using bucket was cleaned by menials. These workers came to be known ... . Since then the world has not witnessed any significant technical change except some change in shape of toilets and reduction in quantity of water per use. It was around 1900 that ...

Help; IDnature Guides; Global Mapper; 20q; 20m
Modifier: Try using "number, pattern, color, texture, shape, type, present." And keep it simple -- use "Thorax top pattern" to describe the pattern on ... . Make custom map - Build a map of anywhere, overlaying points from participating institutions, if so desired. Follow the instructions in red that appear on the screen. Enter your map's center ...

There are arms to rest the lids at any desired position. There is a heat resistant rubber beading all round for a good seal at ... are subsidized. There are also cookers called concentrating cookers which are concave mirrors (parabolic in shape) which reflect solar energy to a focal point where a cooking pot can be kept ...

Green Weddings with Carol Reed
Directions: Fill the blender about two thirds full of ... wringing it out. Lift screen off of paper, tapping it gently if it sticks. If desired, you can add confetti, glitter, dried flowers or small leaves at this stage. Place them ...

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