lake balkash

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Atkinson: The Upper and Lower Amoor
Seven Palaces) which was then a rude frontier town, southward to the steppe around Lake Balkash, and east to Lake Baikal. A brief history lesson: at this time, Russia was engaged in ... Kirghis tribes. The lands north of Lake Balkash were the territory of the Kirghis Middle Horde; the lands south of Lake Balkash (which interestingly enough, was also called Lake Tengris) along boundaries long since ...

Semenov: Travels in the Tien'-Shan', Part One
Petr Petrovich Semenov, detailing his travels in the Russian frontier, around the area of Lake Balkash and Lake Issyk-kul. Only a small portion is reproduced here. The original contains notes of ... bold rock cliffs, consisting of conglomerate. P 53 (first sight of the mountains south of Lake Balkash) . . . I reached Lepsinsk picket and came out onto the river Lepsa. It was the first ... More from this site