Results 1 - 10 from 40 for snowshoe hare in 0.300 sec.
EEK! - Critter Corner - The Snowshoe Hare
Snowshoe Hare . Snowshoe Hare This hare changes its coat two times a year, exchanging a thin brown summer coat for a heavy, white, fluffy winter coat. These different colored fur coats help the hare ... snowshoe hare in the snowcovered woodlands. Some people call this animal the "varying hare" because of this seasonal color change. Food for Thought Rabbit or hare, that is the question. A snowshoe hare ...
ASM | Mammals of California
Sylvilagus audobonii Common Shrubby areas in S 2/3 of state 59, 1188 106 Snowshoe hare Lepus americanus Common; 2 ssp Special Concern Conif. forests of Sierra Nevada & Casc to 2500 ...
ASM | Mammals of Nevada
Lepus townsendii Common SW, NW, N, NE and Central Nevada 1189, 1349 288 Snowshoe hare Lepus americanus Vulnerable W 246, 544 Black-tailed jackrabbit Lepus californicus Common Statewide 60, 245 ...
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Save Our Seine River Environment Inc >> The Seine River >> Fauna Observations
Weasel Mink Skunk Racoon Cottontail Rabbit Red Fox Beaver Franklin Ground Squirrel Black Bear Coyote Snowshoe Hare White-tailed Jack Rabbit White-footed Dear Mouse Field Mouse Gapper's red-backed vole ...
Long Lake Conservation Center: Environmental Education in Minnesota
A snowshoe hare feeding along the edge of the forest suddenly freezes when danger lurks near. In this Project Wild version of freeze tag students play the roles of lynx and hare to ...
ASM | Mammals of North Dakota
Plecotus townsendii uncommon southwest corner 229(C) 175 hibernates in caves; cavernicolous LAGOMORPHA Leporidae Snowshoe hare Lepus americanus uncommon northern 1/2 to southeast corner 246, 544(P) autumn molt turns ...
ASM | Mammals of Ohio
(Adams Co.) 394(C) 69 may merely pass through southern Ohio LAGAMORPHA Leporidae Snowshoe hare Lepus americanus extirpated northeast 1/4 246, 544(P) white winter pelage Swamp rabbit Sylvilagus ...
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Q and A's about Gray Wolf Biology
Midwest, wolves eat mainly white-tailed deer but they also eat moose, beaver, and snowshoe hare. In the Rocky Mountains, wolves feed on elk, deer, moose, bison, and beaver. Wolves even ...
Defenders Of Animals - Wildlife
Green End Pond. The practice of importing snowshoe hare from Canada for hunters to kill was exposed by Defenders of Animals which brought on ...
Naming & Classifying page 1 - Ukaliq: The Arctic Hare
When speaking English, Northern residents call the Arctic hare 'rabbit'. Historically, the Arctic hare has also been called the alpine hare and the polar hare. In Newfoundland, Arctic hares are simply called 'hares', although sometimes they are called 'jackrabbits' (but not 'rabbit', which is used to refer to the snowshoe hare ...
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