Results 1 - 10 from 51 for vulnerable statewide in 0.353 sec.
ASM | Mammals of Nevada
Vulnerable W, S Hoary bat Lasiurus cinereus Vulnerable Statewide 656, 41, 42 185 Spotted bat Euderma maculatum Rare Statewide 734 77 Townsend's Big-eared bat Corynorhinus townsendii Vulnerable Statewide Pallid bat Antrozous pallidus Vulnerable ...
Appalachian Mountains chapter for Conservation International book on Wilderness
(Adelges piceae), has killed most Fraser fir trees. Vegetation in this higher zone appears particularly vulnerable to acid rain, due to low buffering capacities of the thin soils, and to ozone ... by two consecutive sessions of the state legislature, and then approval by voters in a statewide referendum. Thus, legally, these are among the very best protected areas in the world (USA ...
EcoIQ Magazine Spring 2002 Features
Such shallow root systems can leave tall trees vulnerable to wind or weather that could topple them. To keep them upright in the absence ... the nation's number-three brewery. I was preparing my organization to mount a second statewide initiative campaign for a bottle bill, an effort that Coors and his allies would have ...
NMPIF Grassland 2
Steenhof 1997) Distribution: Found in appropriate habitat, especially in areas near cliffs, statewide. Population and/or Habitat Objectives: in the West, T = -2.7%, p = 0.11, N ... declining [bird] populations that breed in the southern Great Plains. ... Birds in general, are most vulnerable to fire during nesting and fledging periods. Fires can be devastating to ground-nesting birds ...
Healthy Schools Network, Inc. - News, Press Releases
Congress appropriated in 2001. Noting that children are uniquely vulnerable to environmental toxicants and that schools are known to house a wide array of highly ... for all state agencies and promised a bill to extend green cleaning to all schools statewide. Continued... FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: April 28th, 2005 NATIONAL US EPA AWARD for HEALTHY SCHOOLS NETWORK ...
Brown Tree Snake
Pacific make these islands particularly vulnerable to alien pest introductions such as snakes. More than one-third of all the threatened ... of Agriculture, the Governor of Hawaii, and the state's Congressional delegation to launch a statewide alien species public awareness campaign. Although the campaign targets a whole host of alien pests ...
ASM | Mammals of Florida
Eastern woodrat; Key Largo woodrat Neotoma floridana locally uncommon; rare panhandle, N 2/3 of peninsula; Key Largo 1016 139 Key Largo woodrat is vulnerable to ... areas - 15 House mouse Mus musculus common statewide 92, 754 - Roof or Black rat Rattus rattus common statewide 759, 760(B) - Norway rat Rattus norvegicus common statewide 755(W), 756(G), 757(B ...
Carving Up Downeast Maine: Forest Liquidators Converge on Washington County
Machias project. But with so much commercial forestland on the auction block statewide, competing protection projects, and the stock market woes, conservation money is more difficult to come ... Patten Corp. was the leading player, Brooks says. The Downeast coastal belt is even more vulnerable now because of improved highway access and people are generally more mobile, he says. Route ...
Why Conserve Land
Hillsborough County is only slightly better off, with 87.5% vulnerable. New Hampshire loses about 17,500 acres of forestland to development ... Civil War. Only 10% of the best forestland is protected statewide. From 1997 to 2002 development consumed farmland at a rate ... rare and endangered plants and animals occur on unprotected land with vulnerable habitat Five of the top 10 most serious risks to ...
National Rivers: California river news, whitewater, paddling,
canoeing, kayaking, rafting, fly-fishing, California river conservation and
river access.
WE NEED A STATE WEBMASTER TO UPDATE THESE PAGES! STATEWIDE ISSUES Click to jump down to descriptions and news about: NEW!!--Trinity Divided Latest CALFED ... California waters, its bureaucracy sometimes causes it to go against its own mandate, leaving rivers vulnerable to the mercy of special interests. Jackie McCort, in an article for the September 1999 ...
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