Results 1 - 10 from 15 for uncommon statewide in 0.456 sec.
ASM | Mammals of Illinois
(B) Primarily occurs in urban areas. Myocastoridae Coypu / Nutria Myocastor coypus introduced, uncommon extreme southern Alabama 1019 398 Occupies fresh and brackish wetlands. LAGORMORPHA Leporidae Swamp Rabbit Sylvilagus aquaticus uncommon statewide ...
ASM | Mammals of California
Statewide in forested areas 142, 1132 Grizzly bear Ursus arctos Extirpated Statewide except high elevations and hot deserts 439 Procyonidae Ringtail cat Bassariscus astutus Uncommon Statewide ex deserts, C. Valley 858 327 Raccoon Procyon lotor Common Statewide exc deserts, Gt. Basin 140, 709 119 Mustelidae Marten Martes americana Uncommon Sierra ...
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ASM | Mammals of North Dakota
Eastern spotted skunk Spilogale putorius uncommon southern 1/3 prefers forest edge habitat Badger Taxidea taxus common-uncommon statewide ...
ASM | Mammals of Ohio
Ohio's most common weasel Least weasel Mustela nivalis uncommon statewide 440(Y), 1214 454 smallest carnivore in the world Mink Mustela vison common statewide 1129 semi-aquatic Badger Taxidea taxus uncommon ...
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HIGHLANDS CO. Statewide. Florida Pine Snake, Pituophis melanoleucus mugitus. Rare. Secretive. Know from one record in oak scrub on west side of Old Bravo Road, HIGHLANDS CO. Uncommon statewide. Thought to be declining throughout the state. Striped Crayfish Snake, Regina alleni. Uncommon. Records from roadside ditch on Black Road ...
Education Info
In general, however, small to moderate amounts of usable quality water can be found within ... magnitude of this challenge: During the 50-year period between 2000 and 2050 the total statewide demand for water in Texas is expected to increase 18 percent, from nearly 17 million ...
Hantavirus Concerns The Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome is an uncommon but serious disease spread from mice to people when people breathe in dust contaminated by ... successful and permanent form of house mouse control,” according to the University of California Statewide IPM Project. Keeping mice outside should be your goal. Effective steps you can take include ...
Southeastern Arizona Bird Observatory - Hummingbirds of Arizona
Texas. SABO has received funding from the Arizona Bird Conservation Initiative to begin a statewide citizen-science project to document the distribution of Arizona's hummingbirds, the timing of ... Alberta; winters in western and southwestern Mexico Status in AZ: rare to uncommon spring migrant, mostly through mountains; uncommon to common fall migrant at all elevations Habitat: conifer forest, ...
California's urban protected areas: Progress despite daunting pressures
California, 36 percent are endemics (found nowhere else). Most of these are rare or uncommon; many are restricted to very small areas. About 40 plant taxa are thought to ... s wildlands. University of California Press, Berkeley. California Tourism. 2001. California fast facts 2001: Statewide and regional tourism facts and figures. California Tourism, Sacramento. CIPA (California Institute of Public ...
UNCOMMON PLACE NAMES OF MOUNT DIABLO 50 UNCOMMON PLACE NAMES OF MOUNT DIABLO by Rich McDrew Mount Diablo ... percent of the place names, more specifically 50, that are some what uncommon or exotic. Among the names are a few unusual words, but most ... names of people for trails, canyons, etc., unless the person has achieved statewide or national prominence, and has had a positive impact in Mount Diablo ...
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