Results 1 - 10 from 44 for seals and walruses in 0.276 sec.
Seal Conservation Society: Library
"Handbook of marine mammals, Volume 2: Seals". Academic Press, London & San Diego. 380pp ISBN:0-1258-8502-4 Riedman ML (1990) - "The pinnipeds: seals, sea lions and walruses". University of California Press, Berkeley, LA ... -9625-4688-7 Baker L (1990) - "Seals". F Watts 32pp ISBN:0-7496-0352-6 + Two-Can Pub ISBN:1-8543-4071-9 Barrett (1991) - "Seals and walruses". F Watts. 32pp ISBN:0-7496 ...
Links to Other Marine Mammal Related Web Sites
NAMMCO provides a mechanism for cooperation on conservation and management for all species of cetaceans (whales and dolphins) and pinnipeds (seals and walruses ...
The North Atlantic Marine Mammal Commission - in principle and practice
Perhaps most important is the ... be used to focus on seals and sealing. As a result, it has now been decided that NAMMCO will arrange an international conference on seals and sealing, and this will be co-sponsored ...
More from this site
Seal Conservation Society (SCS) - Working to protect seals, sea lions and walruses worldwide
Working to protect seals, sea lions and walruses worldwide Working to protect seals, sea lions and walruses worldwide Click Here to Continue -> <- Click Here to Continue Welcome to the Seal Conservation Society's web site As well as using the Back and ...
Marine Mammal Permits and Authorizations - Office of Protected Resources - NOAA Fisheries
Again, NOAA Fisheries is solely charged with these mandates as they relate to whales, dolphins, porpoises, seals, and sea lions. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service handles these issues for polar bears, walruses, sea otters, and manatees. Although no permits to ...
SCS: Rescue and Rehabilitation
Rehabilitation Rescue and Rehabilitation Organisations This page contains a list of organisations worldwide who rescue and/or rehabilitate seals, sea lions or walruses. Please ... encountered are Australian fur seals, New Zealand fur seals and Southern elephant seals, also occasionally leopard seals, crabeater seals and Subantarctic fur seals. VIC: Jirrahlinga Koala and Wildlife Sanctuary, P.O. ...
Marine Careers :: Marine Biology
The reality is that research jobs involving marine mammals are ... employment options involving marine mammals, most positions would exist at aquaria, museums, and national and international conservation groups, though these are also highly competitive. © 2007 ...
CRESLI seal page
Phocidae group, the Otariidae which include fur seals and sea lions, and the Walrus (Odobenidae). The true seals (also called "hair" or "earless" seals), and the sea lions and fur seals (also called eared seals ...
Farallones Marine Sanctuary Association :: E-Newsletter :: March 2006 :: Harbor Seals
Harbor seals are medium sized pinnipeds, which means “fin-foots,” and is the superfamily made up of seals, sea lions, and walruses. Harbor seals weigh up to 300 pounds and reach up to ...
Pinnipeds: Seals, Sea Lions, and Walruses - Office of Protected Resources - NOAA Fisheries
Seals, sea lions, and walruses are taxonomically related to other carnivores, including bears, dogs, raccoons, and weasels (including otters). Three families of living pinnipeds are recognized: Phocidae (earless seals or true seals) Otaridae (eared or fur seals and ...
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