true seals

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ASM | Mammals of New York
Goose-beaked whale Ziphius cavirostris common Off Long Is. Summer resident,migrates south, 28 ft.. True's Beaked Whale Mesoplodon mirus common Off Long Is. Prefers deep water, 17 ft.. ... statewide 819 Found at higher elevations away from domestic animals which carry diseases. PINNIPEDIA (seals, sea lions) Phocidae (true seals) Harbor Seal Phoca vitulina common Off Long Is. 135, 594(C), 1131 Non ...

CRESLI seal page
TRUE SEALS (Phocidae) All seals native to Long Island are phocid seals! True seals include all of the five species found on Long Island in recent years: harbor, grey, ringed, hooded, and harp seals. True seals ...

Pinnipeds: Seals, Sea Lions, and Walruses - Office of Protected Resources - NOAA Fisheries
Seals, sea lions, and walruses are taxonomically related to other carnivores, including bears, dogs, raccoons, and weasels (including otters). Three families of living pinnipeds are recognized: Phocidae (earless seals or true seals) Otaridae (eared or fur seals and sea lions) Odobenidae (walrus) Status of Pinniped ...

Seals and How They Live - Script
Grey Seals were hunted extensively in the past, the Grey seal population was pushed to particularly low levels. Both Harbor seals and Grey seals are contained within the Family of so-called "True" seals. True seals have short front flippers which are not long enough to enable the seals to ...

Monk Seals
Females tend to be larger than males. Monk seals are classified as true seals, as opposed to fur seals or sea lions, since they have no external ears and use their hind flippers for propulsion and front flippers as stabilizers. Habitat & Range Hawaiian monk seals ...

The hind flippers of true seals point backwards and the fore limbs are small. The limbs are shorter than in terrestrial ... land however, the true seals find it difficult to move about quickly. True seals lack external earflaps - one of the distinguishing features that separate true seals from the sea lions and fur seals. All seals are carnivores and ...

Elephant Seals at Piedras Blancas, California, Phillip Colla Natural History Photography
Elephant seals are the largest of pinnipeds, reaching 16 feet in length and 2.5 tons. The southern elephant seal is just slightly larger than the northern species. They are phocids, true seals ... 120,000 and 150,000 individuals. History of the Piedras Blancas Colony of Elephant Seals. Historically, elephant seals have not colonized the Piedras Blancas coast, so the formation of this significant ...

Seal Conservation Society: Species Index Page
The Phocidae or 'True' Seals The Northern Seals Hooded Seal Cystophora cristata Bearded Seal Erignathus barbatus Grey Seal Halichoerus ... gazella Juan Fernández Fur Seal Arctocephalus philippii South African and Australian Fur Seals Arctocephalus pusillus Guadalupe Fur Seal Arctocephalus townsendi Subantarctic Fur Seal Arctocephalus tropicalis ... - Letter to IWC Commissioner for Ireland
SEARCH IWMC HOME BOOKSTORE eNEWSLETTER IWMC FORUM MEDIA CENTER SUSTAINABLE USE ELEPHANTS FISH MAMMALS REPTILES SEALS Letter to the Editor SEA TURTLES SHARKS WHALES ABOUT IWMC CENSORED CONTACT IWMC EVENTS CALENDAR ... true. Seals were killed humanely, only after they were weaned and abandoned by the mothers. The herd was never endangered. When the hunt ended in 1983, it had reached 1.8 million. Seals ...

Brothers of the seals
Meanwhile, Samantha Zacharof, 14, searches the pack for more entangled seals. Captured with a noose pole and pinned down, the seal struggles. Carefully, three teenagers ... is a true seal island: cool, wet and resounding with a chorus of threatening growls, trumpet roars, melodic warbles, hollering yells, loud barks, sheep-like bleats and whickers. Although the seals ...

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