Results 1 - 10 from 93 for molecular techniques in 0.288 sec.
Genetic Diversity in the Dingo
Molecular work is quite expensive and a conservative estimate of costs for a student working ... project to detect genetic differences between Australian dingoes and domestic dogs. We will use molecular techniques, testing DNA samples extracted from blood and preserved skins using polymerase chain reaction (PCR). ...
Marine Careers :: Marine Biology
Researchers have developed antibodies that are specific to a particular virus, so that when the virus is present in the organism, detection and diagnosis is easier and faster. Likewise, new molecular techniques ...
2007 IUCN Red List – Information Sources & Quality
As a result of these new descriptions and taxonomic changes all mammal species have not ...
Rosenstiel School: Invertebrate Museum
Pacific, coupled with the recent use of molecular techniques and interests in phylogenetics, biodiversity, biocomplexity, conservation, responsible management and sustainable use of marine resources ...
GrungyApe - Hominidae
It now appears that chimps, gorillas, and humans form a clade of closely related species ...
About Us - Marine life, Sea creatures, Ocean biology, Marine conservation...
GC elicit their effects within target cells. I use molecular techniques to examine how GC synthesis and action is regulated in elasmobranchs. By isolating the ... may reveal differences in GC physiology. Such differences could be used to develop capture techniques that minimize stress in sensitive species, and perhaps help rescue endangered elasmobranch species." Scott' ...
Molecular Microbiology
Unit introduction | about the course | outline | presenters | book online [ back to short courses ] Molecular Microbiology This course has already been delivered or dates are currently being arranged. ... amendment. We are offering a four-day course in the theory and practice of molecular techniques for microbial population monitoring of engineered biological systems. This EPSRC-sponsored course has ...
Deep-Sea Coral Research
Modern molecular techniques that can track markers in the genes of corals can be used to understand how ...
USGS National Wildlife Health Center - Amphibian Malformation and Decline
Monitoring Initiative - has lead to the discovery of new diseases and the development of new molecular techniques to more rapidly identify diseases, giving researchers a better idea of how to contain and ...
Molecular Pharming by Chloroplast Transformation
Molecular pharming by chloroplast transformation entails unique risks There are currently 37 patents for molecular pharming by chloroplast transformation listed [7]. The first commercial exploitation of chloroplast transformation for molecular ...
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