reach the stratosphere

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Results 1 - 10 from 34 for reach the stratosphere in 0.637 sec.

Ozone: Good Up High, Bad Nearby
There they are broken down by the intensity of the sun's ultraviolet rays and release chlorine and ... to reach the stratosphere, and even though we have reduced or eliminated the use of many CFCs, their impact from years past is just starting to affect the ozone layer. Substances released into the ...

Because CFC's work catalytically , a small amount of CFC's can deplete a huge amount of ozone. CFC's take up to 15 years to reach the stratosphere but can stay in the atmospere from 50-200 years. This means that the ...

Special Pollutant: Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) - Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
Chlorine found in nature is water soluble. Therefore, most is removed in the lower atmosphere by rain, snow and ice and does not reach the stratosphere ...

Terms Beginning With "O"
Ozone Hole: A thinning break in the stratospheric ozone layer. Designation of amount of such depletion as an "ozone hole" is made when the ...

But the side effect of this chemical stability is to allow them, when released, to eventually reach the stratosphere and to be degraded there by strong UV radiation and give rise to ozone-depleting by-products.       What are the intrinsic properties of HFCs ?   The HFC ...

Science - Ozone Depletion
CFCs are mixed worldwide by the large-scale motions of the atmosphere and survive until, after 1-2 years, they reach the stratosphere and are broken down by ultraviolet radiation. The chlorine atoms within them are released and directly attack ozone. In the process of destroying ozone, the chlorine ...

The ozone layer, depletion and uv radiation
CFCs and halons to reach the stratosphere, any reduction in their use on earth does not have an immediate effect on the concentration in the stratosphere. Some of the ozone depleting substances are persistent, remaining active in the ...

Plain English Guide To The Clean Air Act
These new flexible programs are called ... the continental United States. More recently, ozone thinning has been found in the stratosphere above the northern half of the United States; the hole extends over Canada and up into the Arctic regions (the area of the North Pole). The ...

Science - The Antarctic Ozone Hole
It is anticipated that the recovery of the ...

The Tropical Rainforest: Why we should care. - El Bosque Nuevo - Costa Rica
It takes thousands of years for a forest to regenerate. Pest animal species may begin to inhabit the area. Weather changes The loss of canopy affects the local ... advance where once there were forests. High in the stratosphere the ozone layer and the greenhouse effect will be altered. These are results of deforestation. The value of tropical rainforests has been established, ...

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