Results 1 - 10 from 33 for chlorine atoms in 0.439 sec.
COPA - PCBs and Superfund in Bloomington, Indiana
PCBs by soils and soil constituents are influenced by the number of chlorine atoms in the molecule; the more highly chlorinated derivatives are more tenaciously held. The Koc can ...
The main difference with the CFCs is that these molecules contain no chlorine atoms and thus have no ozone-depleting potential. Members of ...
Science - Ozone Depletion
The chlorine atoms within them are released and directly attack ozone. In the process of destroying ozone, the chlorine atoms are regenerated and begin to attack other ozone molecules... and so on, for thousands of cycles before the chlorine atoms are removed from the ...
Science - The Antarctic Ozone Hole
The chlorine is derived from manmade chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) which have migrated to the stratosphere and have been broken down by solar ultraviolet light, freeing chlorine atoms. The ozone ... that promote production of chemically active chlorine and bromine. When sunlight returns to the Antarctic in the Southern Hemisphere spring, this chlorine and bromine activation leads to rapid ...
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Numbering Scheme for Ozone-Depleting Substances and their Substitutes | Ozone Layer Depletion | US EPA
For example, an HFC contains no chlorine, so your results should not show any Cl atoms. Prefix Meaning Atoms in the Molecule CFC chlorofluorocarbon Cl, F ... no bonds left over after F and H, so there are no chlorine atoms. Thus: HFC-134a = C 2H 2F 4 In this case, too, ... there are no bonds left over after F, so there are no chlorine atoms or H atoms. Thus: PFC-218 = C 3F 8 Once again, the prefix is ...
Reports to the Nation on Our Changing Planet: Our Ozone Shield
Invented in the late 1920s, CFCs contain chlorine, fluorine, and carbon atoms arranged in an extremely stable structure. Through decades of use, CFCs proved ... extra chlorine atoms into the stratosphere, adding much more than the amount of chlorine supplied naturally by the oceans in the form of methyl chloride. Rowland and Molina hypothesized that the chlorine ...
Ozone Depletion | Chlorofluorcarbons | CFCs | Stratospheric Ozone
They contain fluorine atoms, carbon atoms and chlorine atoms. The 5 main CFCs include CFC-11 (trichlorofluoromethane - CFCl3), CFC-12 (dichloro-difluoromethane ... chlorine monoxide, the two oxygen atoms join and form an oxygen molecule. When this happens, the chlorine atom is free and can continue to destroy ozone. Naturally occurring chlorine ...
Bleaching of kraft pulp
Chlorine D Chlorine Dioxide H Sodium Hypochlorite Z Ozone O Oxygen P Hydrogen Peroxide Elemental chlorine (Cl 2) is an effective delignifying agent. As it breaks lignin bonds, it adds chlorine atoms ... lignin, but does not add chlorine atoms onto lignin fragments; however, small amounts of elemental chlorine and other chlorine compounds formed during the chlorine dioxide bleaching process react with ...
Ozone: Good Up High, Bad Nearby
HIGH What is Ozone? Ozone is a gas that forms in the atmosphere when 3 atoms of oxygen are combined (03). It is not emitted directly into the air, but at ... by the intensity of the sun's ultraviolet rays and release chlorine and bromine molecules, which destroy "good" ozone. One chlorine or bromine molecule can destroy 100,000 ozone molecules, causing ozone ...
Terms Beginning With "I"
Ionizing Radiation: Radiation that can strip electrons from atoms; e.g. alpha, beta, and gamma radiation. IRIS: EPA's Integrated Risk Information System, ... high level exposure, or chronic from repeated low-level exposures to such compounds as chlorine, nitrogen dioxide, and nitric acid. Isoconcentration: More than one sample point exhibiting the same ...
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