chlorine atom

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Results 1 - 10 from 22 for chlorine atom in 0.449 sec.

FMI - Research - Atmosphere - Ozone and UV radiation
CFC compounds include chlorine, ... and insulating materials. Fortunately, CFC compounds, chlorine and bromine atoms do not remain in the stratosphere for ever. When, say, a chlorine atom reacts with certain gases (with methane, ...

Auto Air Conditioners and the Ozone Layer: Background | Ozone Depletion - Regulatory Programs | U.S. EPA
(UV-B) radiation. Once there, CFCs break apart - a process that releases chlorine, which then attacks ozone. A single chlorine atom can destroy more than 100 thousand ozone molecules. The ozone layer is ... HFC-134a. This refrigerant does not deplete the ozone layer because it does not contain chlorine. By the end of 1994, virtually all new cars, trucks and vans were equipped with ...

Just the Facts for MVACs: EPA Regulatory Requirements for Servicing of Motor Vehicle Air Conditioners | Ozone Depletion - Regulatory Programs | U.S. EPA
Strong UV radiation breaks the CFC-12 molecules apart, releasing chlorine. A single chlorine atom can destroy over one hundred thousand ozone molecules. Ozone loss in the atmosphere is ... More from this site

ESSP CLP - Principles and Practices in Sustainable Development for the Engineering and Built Environment Professions Unit 1 Lecture 2
January 2007. (Back) [10] Molina, M.J. and Rowland, F.S. 'Stratospheric Sink for Chlorofluoromethanes: Chlorine Atom-Catalysed Destruction of Ozone', Nature, 249 (28 June 1974):810-2. (Back) [11] Arrhenius, S ...

Reports to the Nation on Our Changing Planet: Our Ozone Shield
Rowland and Molina hypothesized that the chlorine buildup from CFCs would spell severe trouble for the ozone layer. According to their predictions, each chlorine atom could destroy 100,000 ozone molecules ... climes. these icy particles have a critical effect on the chlorine and bromine pollution floating in the stratosphere. Normally, the chlorine and bromine are largely locked into "safe" compounds ...

Why the banning of Chlorofluorocarbons is paranoia.
CFCs, releasing their ozone-destroying chlorine, as well as oxygen, creating ozone, there is a 'competition' between the two processes ... the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration show 60,000 ozone molecules are created for every chlorine atom released from a CFC molecule. With this probability, how can the equilibrium density of ...

Ozone Depletion | Chlorofluorcarbons | CFCs | Stratospheric Ozone
When UV radiation hits a CFC molecule it causes one chlorine atom to break away. The chlorine atom then hits an ozone molecule consisting of three oxygen atoms and takes one ... the molecule of chlorine monoxide, the two oxygen atoms join and form an oxygen molecule. When this happens, the chlorine atom is free and can continue to destroy ozone. Naturally occurring chlorine has the ...

Our Stolen Future: General references
P. 1993. The Ecology of Commerce. Harper Business. Hileman, B. 1993. Concerns Broaden over Chlorine and Chlorinated Hydrocarbons. Chemical and Engineering News. April 19, 1993. Holdgate, M. 1982. ... . World Resources Institute. Rowland, S and M Molina. 1974. Stratospheric Sink for Chlorofluoromethanes: Chlorine Atom-Catalyzed Destruction of Ozone. Nature 249:810-812. Sanders, G, S Eisenreich and ...

Norland Ozone Systems are complete frame mounted modules designed specifically for high quality bottled water operations and can produce enough ozone to treat up to 27 gallons per minute
Ozone consists of three parts of oxygen. Once ozone is ... natural form of oxygen. As this phenomenon occurs, the free atom of oxygen will seek out any foreign particles in the ... leaving a residual taste, such as you would find with chlorine. The variables determining the effectiveness of ozone in killing bacteria ...

Weather and climate
Gamma rays have wavelengths smaller than the width of an atom. The radio waves used to communicate with submarines are many kilometers long. The ... contains anthropogenic (human made) greenhouse gasses. All refrigerants and solvents made from fluorine and chlorine are potent greenhouse gasses. Almost all refrigerators and air conditioners made since 1928 use ...

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