Results 1 - 10 from 47 for chlorine and bromine in 0.435 sec.
Ozone: Good Up High, Bad Nearby
One chlorine or bromine molecule can destroy 100,000 ozone molecules, causing ozone to disappear much faster than nature can replace it. It can take years for ozone depleting chemicals to reach the stratosphere, and ...
There is more than sufficient evidence for significant CFC-caused ozone depletion. The simultaneous rise of CFC's and free chlorine in the stratosphere coupled with a corresponding decrease in ozone have been repeatedly shown, both over time and and latitude as one approaches ...
FMI - Research - Atmosphere - Ozone and UV radiation
For half a century they have been used among other things in producing refrigerators, air conditioning devices and insulating materials. Fortunately, CFC compounds, chlorine and bromine ...
Frequently Asked Questions
What are the reactive halogen gases that destroy stratospheric ozone? What are the chlorine and bromine reactions that destroy stratospheric ozone? Why has an "ozone hole" appeared over Antarctica when ozone ... How large is the depletion of the global ozone layer? Do changes in the Sun and volcanic eruptions affect the ozone layer? Are there regulations on the production of ozone- ...
Science - Ozone Depletion
The chlorine and bromine in human-produced chemicals such as the ones known as chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and halons are depleting ozone in the stratosphere. The figure shows a simplified cycle of reactions in which chlorine ...
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Science and the Environment Bulletin: Climate Change Increasing Ozone Loss in the Arctic Stratosphere
At temperatures of -80oC ... release large volumes of chlorine and bromine-powerful ozone-depleting catalysts, each molecule of which can destroy thousands of ozone molecules before returning to the troposphere and being removed by ...
EIA - The Environmental Investigation Agency: Global Environment Campaign | Campaign Index
(ODS). Chemicals containing chlorine and bromine are the culprits causing damage to the ozone layer. These include chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) mostly used for refrigeration and air-conditioning, and halons, used to extinguish fires ... the role played by China as the main source of illegally-traded CFCs and halons, and the activities of a group of US firms using false paperwork to avoid detection ...
Ozone Hole
Although natural phenomena can cause temporary ozone losses, chlorine and bromine released from man-made ... particularly the very low stratospheric temperatures (below -80°C), the isolated wind patterns and the presence of continuous sunlight after the September equinox. Every summer (December to ...
Swimming Pool and Spa Sanitation
Hypochlorous acid and hypobromous acid are the primary chemical compounds responsible for sanitation in pools and spas. Chlorine and bromine ...
13. Develop and serve databases
NO2, and chlorine and bromine compounds, which are relevant to the breakdown of the ozone layer. NILU has put considerable weight on co-ordinating the work of collection, and on the ... are particularly harmful to the environment. AMAP additionally contains measurements of climate gases, and EMEP, HELCOM and OSPARCOM are focused on cutrophication as well. EMEP also contains measurements of ...
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