Results 1 - 7 from 7 for phocids and otariids in 0.448 sec.
The Pinnipeds
It is thought that all existing otariids have evolved in the last 2-3 million years while the differentiation between the phocids and otariids ...
Sable Island Marine Mammals
Pinnipeds are divided into three groups: phocids (earless or hair seals), otariids (eared seals, e.g. sea lions and fur seals) and ...
The Seal Serpent
The Odobenidae (Walrus).There are currently 33 species. The Walrus was once thought to be more closely related to the Otariids, but is now thought to be nearer to the Phocids and it is interesting in that although it forms a seperate family it shares both phocid and ...
The Marine Mammal Center
We tag phocids (true seals) on the rear flippers, and otariids (eared seals) on the front flippers. Generally, males are tagged on the left flipper and females on the right flipper. These numbered tags are registered at The Center and with ...
Pinnipeds: Seals, Sea Lions, and Walruses - Office of Protected Resources - NOAA Fisheries
One of their most distinctive features is their tusks. They are also known for nearly hairless skin and thin blubber. Similar to phocids, walruses lack external ears. Similar to otariids ... (like otariids) or hind flippers (like phocids) for propulsion. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) has jurisdiction over walruses. Main factors for decline Factors for decline of endangered and ...
Marine Mammal Stock Assessment Reports (SARs) by Species/Stock - Office of Protected Resources - NOAA Fisheries
(Whales and Dolphins) Large Whales Small Cetaceans Dolphins Porpoises Small Whales Pinnipeds (Seals and Sea Lions) Phocids (earless seals or true seals) Otariids (eared seals or fur seals and sea lions) Marine Mammals Under FWS Jurisdiction Cetaceans (Whales and Dolphins) ...
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The Marine Mammal Center
There are three families of pinnipeds: phocids, otariids, and odobenids, and each of them is a little different. One family is the true seals (phocids). ...
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