fore flippers

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The Pelagic Shark Research Foundation - The Sharks of the Monterey Bay - Pelagic Sharks
California and Stellar's sealions propel themselves with powerful strokes of the fore flippers, (Otarids). Harbor seals can out dive ... their fore-flippers to propel themselves through the water and typically travel along the surface, often porpoise'ing. Seals on the other hand, propel themselves with their hind-flippers and ...

Seal Conservation Society: The Pinnipeds
Phocid seals on the other hand do not have visible ear flaps, drag themselves along land by their fore flippers or bodies and use their hind flippers to propel themselves through the water, their fore flippers being used for steering. The ...

Provincetown Center for Coastal Studies | Whale Rescue | Leatherback turtles freed in Cape Cod Bay - June-September, 2004
The team attached a work line ...

The Pinnipeds
When swimming, phocids use a `sculling` action of their hindquarters and hind flippers, the fore flippers ...

Dinosaurs That Look like Seals
Mackal thought that it might have evolved a more elongated neck while possibly losing its fore flippers heightening its reptilian appearance. As already mentioned, The leopard seal, which already looks quite reptilian ... More from this site

CRESLI seal page
The rear flippers ... Their long flexible front flippers and versatile hind flippers enable these mammals to actually run on land and their long agile necks give them the ability to catch objects on their nose as seen in aquariums. The fore flippers ...

Five central plates or scutes. Fore flippers quite short and thick, each with 2 claws. Rear flippers have 2 or 3 claws. Hatchlings and juveniles have 3 ... Orange-cream on underside Hatchlings are dark-brown on top with pale brown margins to flippers and underside Picture | Size and body mass | Diagnostic features | Geographical distribution | Habitat and Biology | ...

Their coloration varies. However, they have long white flippers that are unmistakable characteristics. The name "Humpback" refers to the large hump on which ... seals (lacking external ear pinna) have fairly restricted movement out of water, using their clawed fore flippers to wriggle their bodies across the land. Less nomadic than other pinnipeds, Harbor Seals ...

Pinnipeds: Seals, Sea Lions, and Walruses - Office of Protected Resources - NOAA Fisheries
They lack external ears and use their hind flippers for propulsion through the water. Typically, phocids have thin ... that traps air to aid in insulation. They use large, fore flippers for locomotion in the marine environment. Walruses, the only member ... the body. In the water, walruses use either fore flippers (like otariids) or hind flippers (like phocids) for propulsion. The U.S. Fish ...

SCS: Leopard Seal (Hydrurga leptonyx)
Some leopard seals ...

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