harbor seals

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Results 1 - 10 from 106 for harbor seals in 0.224 sec.

Harbor seals at Cupsogue Beach County park
Harbor seals at Cupsogue Beach County park %FLASH% Harbor seals at Cupsogue Beach County Park 02/02/08 Dr. Arthur H. Kopelman for CRESLI 2/2/2008 #33FFFF #FFFFFF #000000 #0000FF #800080 #FF0000 .jpg You must enable Javascript to view this content.

Farallones Marine Sanctuary Association :: E-Newsletter :: March 2006 :: Harbor Seals
Association :: E-Newsletter :: March 2006 :: Harbor Seals << March 2006 Upwelling Front Page Harbor Seals By Barton Creeth There are an estimated 500,00 harbor seals worldwide distributed throughout the temperate and ... harbor seals with a keen sense of hearing while under water. Harbor seals spend half their time in the water and half their time on land. To maneuver when out of water, harbor seals ...

Harbor Seals
Harbor Seals Harbor Seals on the beach near Point Sal. All photographs are copyrighted and may not be copied, printed, or downloaded for any commercial, educational, or personal use without permission of the photographer.

Harbor Seals of La Jolla Home Page
Harbor Seals of La Jolla Home Page HOME PAGE HARBOR SEALS OF LA JOLLA Welcome to our home page highlighting the harbor seal P. vitulina richardsi and our independent research ... find out more information about Harbor Seals, La Jolla's Harbor Seals, or any of the other information listed. [ Information about Harbor Seals | Information about La Jolla's Harbor Seals ] [ Biographies of Researchers | ...

CRESLI harbor seal page
When hauled out, harbor seals often lie with their heads and hind flippers elevated in what is often referred to as the "banana-like" position. When resting in water, harbor seals ...

Farallones Marine Sanctuary Association :: Volunteer :: SEALS Program
You are here: Volunteer > SEALS Program SEALS Program The SEALS program was established to document and reduce the impact of human activity on harbor seals in Bolinas Lagoon and Tomales Bay. ... disturbance to harbor seals and help maintain the integrity of rookery sites in the Sanctuary Preserving harbor seal colony size in the Sanctuary Educating the general public about harbor seals and their ...

Brothers of the seals
Although the seals provided Aleut hunters with meat and excellent pelts for ... development invite more air and noise pollution. The new harbor serves the Bering Sea fishery, a billion-dollar-a- ... seals are already listed as depleted. Some rookeries are visibly declining. The alarming drop in populations of Steller sea lions, harbor seals and ...

National Geographic: Lewis & Clark—Animals—Harbor Seal
Lewis & Clark—Animals—Harbor Seal SHOWING RECORD: 2 of 45   Harbor Seal Photograph by Gunter Marx Photography/Corbis Harbor Seal Phoca vitulina richardii Subspecies of Harbor Seal October 23, 1805, in ... East from southern Greenland and Hudson Bay coasts south to Carolinas. Clark originally misidentified harbor seals seen on the Columbia River as sea otters—he later corrected this mistake in ...

Pinnipeds: Seals, Sea Lions, and Walruses - Office of Protected Resources - NOAA Fisheries
Three families of living pinnipeds are recognized: Phocidae (earless seals or true seals) Otaridae (eared or fur seals and sea lions) Odobenidae (walrus) Status of Pinniped Species ... Gray Seal Harbor Seal Harp Seal Hooded Seal Northern Elephant Seal More About Pinnipeds Phocid seals include elephant seals, several ice seals, monk seals, and harbor seals. All of these seals have rear ...

Seals and How They Live
ORG to support our non-profit mission! Seals and How They Live (19 Min) Seals and How They Live is an educational ... really brings the viewer into the world of seals. The film closes with a group of seals showing their intelligence and curiosity by investigating ... Harbor Seals "haul out" of the water at low tide to rest in the warm sun. O.R.G. won the prestigious CINDY Bronze award for the film Seals ...

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