narrow white

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Results 1 - 10 from 418 for narrow white in 0.202 sec.

ASM | Mammals of Texas
Common Trans Pecos & western Edwards Plateau 798 365 Small ground squirrel with one narrow white line down each side Mexican Ground Squirrel Spermophilus mexicanus Common Panhandle Plains & Central Texas ... in tropical & subtropical waters worldwide. Previously known as S. frontalis, but has a more narrow beak & blackish upper parts. Three beached near Yarborough Pass on Padre Island during ...

Epipedobates hahneli
The flanks are black, bordered by a narrow white or cream dorsolateral line extending from the tip of the snout to the groin. A white or cream labial stripe does not extend onto ...

Rare Breeds Trust of Australia: African Geese
The tail is back to ashy-brown laced with near-white and tail coverts are white. Matt said that good examples of the breed should have a narrow white ... USA, where Africans are readily available, there is also a white variety which was accepted to the American Standard of ... and standardization of type and size, plus having the white and buff varieties. The Brown African was admitted to ...

SABO's Avian Oddities: Hybrid Tanager in Miller Canyon
The white tail corners appear as narrow white crescents. On April 21, 2005, one of SABO's ... adult male, digiscoped in Madera Canyon on May 10, 2004. Note the extensive and distinct white tips to the outer tail feathers as well as the unmistakable orange coloring of a ...

Sable Island:  Morning Glory
Glory Cloud (June 2003) On June 13, 2003, in late afternoon, a very long and narrow white cloud - a Morning Glory - appeared in the otherwise blue sky over the ocean east of ... /hr, occasionally over 60 km/hr. Click on thumbnails for more information Reference: Christie, D. & White, R. 1995. The Morning Glory of the Gulf of Carpentaria. AOPA (Aircraft Owners and Pilots ...

Southeastern Arizona Bird Observatory - Hummingbirds of Arizona
Range: nests from western Texas, southern New Mexico, and southeastern Arizona ...

Female plumage has a streaky pattern in buff, white, gray or black through their brown feathers. They have a ... speculum bordered by a white strip. As well, in flight both sexes can been seen to flash a white underwing. Habitat Mallards ...

Red-Shouldered Hawk - WDNR
From below, this hawk shows translucent "window" patches at the base of the primaries, and narrow white bands on a dark tail. Immatures are brown above, clear pale chest, and vertically streaked ... , diving from a perch located near water. Natural History: Breeding: Clutch size: 2-3 dull white eggs with a few brown spots; laid from April to May. Incubation: 28-32 days ...

Breed: White Park
Socks Silk Ties Fountain Pens & Mens Underwear Breed: White Park: The White Park is an all white cow with black points -- black ears, nose, hoofs, ... about 3 3/4 feet. The White Park has a large foretop, a broad face, and a long narrow body. They are good-looking. ... from other breeds. Although other breeds like the American White Park and the British White look very similar, they are not related. The ...

EEK! - The Northern White Cedar
Pileated woodpeckers will excavate large, oval holes in the sides of the white cedar in search of carpenter ants. The cone, or fruit, is small ... seeds are about 1/8 of an inch long and have two narrow wings almost circling the seed. The bark is thin with a gray or reddish-brown color that grows in long, vertical, narrow shreddy strips. People use the light, soft and brittle wood for making ...

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