Results 1 - 10 from 39 for crevices caves in 0.307 sec.
KWI TOUR: Area of Study - Karst Ecology
Ecology KWI's Mission Karst Regions KWI Home Page KWI Area of Study: Karst Ecology Caves and karst areas contain unusual organisms in a very specialized habitat. Some organisms live only in caves, where they can be located and characterized. Other species live in the small cracks and crevices that exist between the cave passages, where ...
ASM | Mammals of Illinois
N. magister is possibly confined to areas with rocky outcrops, crevices, caves, and boulder fields, but also may occupy woodlands and brushy areas. Golden Mouse Ochrotomys ... as Plecotus rafinesquii) 69 (as Plecotus rafinesquii) Summer roosts may be behind loose bark, in caves, crevices, and hollow trees, and in unoccupied buildings, abandoned mines and wells, and other ...
ASM | Mammals of Oklahoma
May forage close to ground. Pallid Bat Antrozous pallidus Uncommon Northwestern population separated from the southwestern by the High Plains. 230 213 Crevices, caves, old bldgs; may hibernate in caves in the state. Fly well after dark. Probably feeds on ...
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SCS: New Zealand Fur Seal (Arctocephalus forsteri)
Lifestyle Breeding colonies tend to be in rocky places where there are large boulders, caves, crevices, rocky platforms or other cover for the pups. There is also a preference for areas ...
NEARMI | NE Amphibian Species
These species typically have limited distributions, sometimes isolated to only a few mountaintops or caves, and most are found in Virginia and West Virginia. The longevity of salamanders ... habitats (Dodd 1996). Anurans use various terrestrial refugia including caves, underground burrows and other subterranean habitats, tree roots, rock crevices, and can be found under surface debris such as fallen ...
NMPIF Other 1
Distribution: Found at Carlsbad Caverns National Park, and in the Mesilla Valley south of ... Associated Species: Golden Eagle, Peregrine Falcon, White-throated Swift, Cliff Swallow, Rock Wren uses crevices and interstices in cliffs, steep canyon walls, rocky areas; occasionally high, steep river banks ...
Dam cascade on the Belaya river
Here is developed a large abundance of chalky caves which in winters are crowded by the third of the entire ... way, these are as well in danger of being flooded). Uncountable crevices, rips and caves run through the rocky slopes that restrict the valley of the ... that water will seep through at the sides of the dam using crevices and rips in the rock. But in any case washing out ...
EEK! - Critter Corner - The Black Bear
Dens can be found in hollow trees, brush piles, rock crevices, caves, excavated holes in hillsides, or under upturned tree roots. They will even den in open ...
Northern Quoll Dasyurus hallucatus - Threatened Species Day 2005 fact sheet
During the day it likes to hide in hollow logs, rock crevices, caves and hollow trees. The species was once found from north of Brisbane right across to ...
... sponges ) have skeletons of spongin , silica , and aragonite calcite , and are usually found only in crevices, caves , and under ledges of coral reefs (some researches consider the sclerospongiae a subclass of the ...
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