areas with dense

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Results 1 - 10 from 518 for areas with dense in 0.340 sec.

ASM | Mammals of Illinois
N. magister is possibly confined to areas with rocky outcrops, crevices, caves, and boulder fields, but also may occupy woodlands and brushy areas ...

Legacy Land Trust : Creating a legacy of protected lands since 1993
Stonewall Creek. An additional funding partner was the City of Fort Collins Natural Areas Program. Stonewall Creek is designated a potential Preble’s meadow jumping mouse habitat. ... Stonewall Creek Ranch has extremely high wildlife habitat conservation value; contains wetland/riparian areas with dense stands of willow, lush grass cover, mature cottonwood trees including a large cottonwood gallery ...

EJF: Press Release: Mangrove loss left Asia vulnerable when tsunami struck
In India, Sri Lanka, and Thailand, areas with dense coastal vegetation and healthy coral reefs were markedly less damaged than areas without. Despite the destruction of thousands of ... pollution; and damming of rivers, which alters water salinity. Mangrove ecosystems are important nursery areas and habitats for commercially valuable shrimp, prawn, shellfish, and fish species. Globally, ...

Regina alleni
Melaleuca sp. Comments: . The striped crayfish snake is highly aquatic and inhabits areas with dense vegetation such as hyacinth-choked waterways where it lives within the submerged roots. Here ... dragonfly larvae. Breeding probably occurs in the spring; the young are born alive. Comparison with other species: The glossy crayfish snake (Regina rigida rigida) lacks distinct striping and has ...

Species Accounts: asine.htm
The three principal habitat types where this species can currently be found are riverine and swampy areas, low-elevation agricultural communes ... the surviving alligator populations are located in human made habitats in close association with dense human populations. Efforts are needed through education, to emphasize the protected status ... More from this site

OCELOT - Kids' Planet -- Defenders of Wildlife
DIET: Ocelots are carnivores, they hunt and eat animals such as rodents, rabbits, young deer, birds, snakes and fish. BEHAVIOR: Ocelots are strongly nocturnal, resting in trees or dense ... International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, an international treaty with more than 144 member countries. Appendix I listed species cannot be traded ...

OCELOT - Kids' Planet -- Defenders of Wildlife
DIET: Ocelots are carnivores, they hunt and eat animals such as rodents, rabbits, young deer, birds, snakes and fish. BEHAVIOR: Ocelots are nocturnal; they rest in trees or dense ... on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, an international treaty with more than 144 member countries. Appendix I listed species cannot be traded commercially. ... More from this site

Northern Cardinal (Cardinalis cardinalis)
Cardinal (Cardinalis cardinalis) Nature Journal with Photos Northern Cardinal (Cardinalis cardinalis) Northern Cardinal Information Length: 7.5 - 9" Habitat: Forest edges; thickets; shrubby swamps; residential areas with dense shrubbery. Dense underbrush is a habitat requirement ...

African Golden Cat
Behavior: There has been very little research done in the wild with African golden cats. It ... in captivity. The species has been kept in the past, with a limited amount of breeding done, but those bloodlines have since ... biggest problem facing the African golden cat in the wild, as with most feline species, is deforestation and the loss of habitat. ...

California's urban protected areas: Progress despite daunting pressures
Most of the lower mountains are covered by chaparral, a dense growth of various species of evergreen, hard-leaved shrubs. Higher up are montane and ... does not include substantial areas with unconventional means of protection such as the regulatory regime for San Francisco Bay. Los Angeles and San Francisco have strong legacies of protected areas and have made ...

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