Results 1 - 10 from 206 for forest edges in 0.359 sec.
NMPIF Forests 3
Allen and Breshears (1998) documented the effects of drought on the lower elevational edges of ponderosa pine forest. Their study area in north-central New Mexico suffered a prolonged drought in the ... ground, occasionally in oaks generally nests in more open areas such as forest edges, heads of canyons or open forest territories must contain water, and at least one tree taller than the canopy ...
NMPIF Forests 4
Ruby-crowned Kinglet, Hermit Thrush, American Robin subalpine forest with Englemann's spruce, ponderosa pine, Douglas-fir and aspen need forest edges for foraging and increases in density with a decrease ... northern ranges of the Mogollon Rim manage for openings within the forest keep snags, especially on the edges of forest openings; maintain trees which stand above the average height of the ...
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Report on invasive plant species in Niue
Merremia peltata (fue, fue vao), a native or early introduction, is quite invasive along forest edges where there has been disturbance, but its extent seems to be limited on Niue, ... Niue Appendix 5. Scientific name synonyms (1) Former Director, Pacific Southwest Research Station, USDA Forest Service (now retired) and Curator of the Herbarium, National Tropical Botanical Garden, respectively. (2) ...
Report on invasive plant species on Tonga
Merremia peltata (fue mea), a native or early introduction, is quite invasive along forest edges where there has been disturbance, but its extent seems to be limited on Tonga, ... as being present elsewhere in Tonga (1) Former Director, Pacific Southwest Research Station, USDA Forest Service (now retired) and Herbarium Collections Manager, National Tropical Botanical Garden, respectively. (2) ...
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backyard birds found in Illinois
The are also seen in prairies, roadsides and forest edges. The white-throated sparrow is the one true sparrow you are most likely to see ...
How cowbirds take advantage of other birds
Unfortunately, few large tracts remain today. Road building and development by people creates avenues into forest interiors ... wetlands, woodlands and prairies with a suburban habitat similar to the forest edge. There are trees, but no dense forest. Favoring one type of habitat over others also favors some ...
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ASM | Mammals of Illinois
Armadillo Dasypus novemcinctus common statewide 53, 242 162 Common in woodlands, forest edges, savannas, and brushy areas. PRIMATES Hominidae Human / Modern Man Homo ... forest edges and in riparian woodlands. Eastern Chipmunk Tamias striatus common statewide, except for extreme southwestern and southeastern regions 110, 259(AB) 168 Occupies wooded areas with dense canopy and sparsely covered forest ...
Indiana Forest Alliance
For example, birds which require large tracts of old forest will decline, while predatory birds who use forest edges, such as cowbirds, are provided with an opportunity to invade and flourish. • The earth in the forest is bound ...
Global Forest Science - Research in the Spotlight
Now, Global Forest Science is studying the serious problem of redwoods top dieback, which is threatening the edges of the few remaining redwood reserves. Our scientists are pioneering methods to determine the causes and potential extent of this catastrophic forest decline so that these ...
Global Forest Science - Redwood Treetop Ecology
Global Forest is studying the very serious problem of Redwood top dieback or dying from the top down, which is threatening the outer edges of the few remaing protected Redwood reserves. Our scientists are pioneering methods to determine the causes and potential extent of this catastrophic forest decline so that these ...
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