timber production

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Felling some misconceptions about local logging restrictions
Santa Cruz County. Logging can and has continued to take place on lands zoned specially for Timber Production ... been waiting on the court's decision before submitting new timber harvest plans. One county ordinance that was challenged prohibits ... owners who apply to rezone their land to the Timber Production zone district are actually subsidized in their efforts. In ...

ForestHarvest - Managing land for non-timber forest products in Scotland
Management today Woodlands can be actively managed to enhance their potential for non-timber forest ... management strategies are determined by various factors including the woodland's overall 'purpose' (timber production, biodiversity conservation, amenity use, etc.) and its ownership. There are increasing numbers of ...

ForestHarvest - non-timber products from conifer plantations in Scotland
Sitka spruce, Norway spruce, larch and Scots pine, and managed specifically for softwood timber production. The density of the planting allows little light to penetrate the canopy, and the ... established between the 1950s and the 1980s. These forests are currently approaching maturity. Low timber prices, combined with stiff competition from the Baltic, has raised concerns over the economic ... More from this site

Tropical timber import export Africa Asia volume Congo Ghana Guinea China IMF France
D211 of sheet Year 1 Workplan] Timber production (particularly of okoumé) has increased very rapidly in the Chaillu massif (in contrast to the ... concessionaire's log production is either not properly paid or set at too low a level. In principle, such a tax would enable greater utilisation of Congo's timber production - mill by-products ...

Equatorial Guinea tropical log exports imports China Illegal Timber Rimbunan Hijau Shimmer Mafrica Congo Basin Oil CITES Monte Alén Okoumé
This indicates that Rimbunan Hijau's timber exports (and China's imports) from Equatorial ... organisations despite it epitomising much of what is rotten in tropical timber production - and what, by extension, is holding back the tropical timber industry from realising its full potential. It is not a ... More from this site

Production, Utilization and Marketing of Woodfuel in Lao PDR
Agriculture and Forestry cooperated with RWEDP to organize a National Workshop on the Production, Utilization and Marketing of Woodfuel. The workshop was attended by participants from various Ministries ... PDR 4. Firewood Consumption 5. Marketing and Production of Firewood 6. Firewood Production, Utilization and Marketing in the Lao PDR 7. Timber Production for Energy in Luang Prabang Province 8. ...

For further information on definitions and criteria for sustainable timber production, the reader should refer to Friends of the Earth Special Briefing 'Sustainability and the ... moist forest which is being deliberately managed at an operational scale for the sustainable production of timber is, on a world scale, negligible". (Poore D) (4) Read M. 1991. Truth ...

Summary of report - Plantation Eucalypts for High-Value Timber
The committee defined key areas along the solid-timber production chain where authorities from each field were asked to review current research in Australia ... the hardwood plantation sawlog sector Reasons for insufficient large-scale investment in hardwood sawlog production include the long-term nature of the capital requirement and a lack of suitable ...

Malaysian Timber Council
To promote the development of the timber industry by expanding the industry's manufacturing technology base, increasing value-adding in production and increasing the pool of knowledge workers; - To augment the supply of raw materials for the timber-processing industries; - To provide information services to the timber ...

Kodiak Island, Alaska - Official Visitors Guide - Timber Industry
Seafood Industry Aviation Cost of Living Visitor Industry Revenues by Industry Land Ownership Timber Industry Business Development Opportunities Retail Sales Construction Industry The forest products industry is ... 2004, the harvesters of this private timber paid a severance tax of $46,753 to the Kodiak Island Borough. Year Timber Industry Gross Production Borough Severance Taxes Collected 1992 $23. ...

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