livestock losses

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May 23, 2001: Dust Bowl Threatening China‘s Future
It means converting highly erodible cropland back to grassland or woodland, reducing the livestock population, and planting tree shelter belts across the windswept areas of cropland, as ... trigger a massive migration eastward. The options are clear: Reduce livestock populations to a sustainable level or face heavy livestock losses as grassland turns to desert. Return highly erodible cropland ...

Introduced Species Cost Economies Billions
United States cost $123 billion a year in economic losses, Cornell University ecologists estimate. "It doesn't take many trouble-makers to cause tremendous damage ... packs in Florida, Texas and other states cause an estimated $10 million a year in livestock losses, rivaling or exceeding the damage from wolves and other indigenous canines. Like cats and dogs ...

2007 IUCN Red List – Search
(Marino 2003). Recent population decline in Bale is mostly due to disease epizootics, ... - Crops - Small-holder farming (present, future) Habitat Loss/Degradation - Agriculture - Livestock - Small-holder (present, future) 2.1 Invasive alien species (directly affecting the species) - Competitors ...

Reintroduction of Native Species on the Colorado Plateau
Intensive efforts by the federal ... dogs were found, so were ferrets. As the prairies were settled, prairie dogs competed with livestock for the available forage. This resulted in intensive efforts by ranchers and government agencies ...

Gray Wolf - Defenders of Wildlife
While wolf predation on livestock is fairly uncommon, wolves that do prey on them are often killed to protect the livestock. Some livestock owners are developing non-lethal methods to reduce the chances of a wolf attacking their livestock. These methods include fencing livestock, lighting, alarm systems and removing dead or dying livestock ...

Idaho Office - Defenders of Wildlife
Defenders achieves this by reimbursing livestock owners for losses incurred due to wolf predation. ... plans. Livestock Producer Advisory Council: Defenders established the Livestock Producer Advisory Council in 2004. The council consists of three or more representatives of the livestock industry serving ... More from this site

De Wildt Cheetah and Wildlife Trust, North West Province, South Africa
Long owned: Total Ha: Farm Name and Number: GPS Locality: S E Livestock Information: Total Ha fenced for livestock: How many of the following: Cattle Sheep Goats Ostrich Other Do you ... Impala Ostrich Reedbuck Red Hartebeest Roan Sable Springbok Tsessebe Warthog Waterbuck Zebra Do you have livestock losses? How many of the following: Sheep Cattle Goats Ostrich Which predators? Brown Hyaena Cheetah ...

Environment Probe
Weeds proliferated. Construction debris harmed cattle; open gates and damaged fences led to further livestock losses. Gaping trenches and above-ground pipes blocked the Lewingtons' access to half of their ... ranchers' reluctance to protect animals that may kill their livestock, the environmental group began in 1987 to compensate them for any losses caused by wolves. During the following seven years, ...

Pit Circles
Where ineffective non-predator proof kraals or bomas exist, predators enter and kill livestock at night. Losses also occur when livestock, sensing predators nearby, ... . If an established pilot pit project proved to reduce livestock losses, other livestock owners might wish to employ similar livestock protection and "employ" the knowledge of the builders ...

Livestock and predation identification page
I Will Help Predation is rarely observed; therefore, the accurate assessment of losses to specific predators often requires careful investigative work. Determine cause of death by checking ... on big game, livestock, rodents, wild birds, and poultry. Coyotes are the most common and most serious predator of livestock in the United States. Coyotes normally kill livestock with a bite ...

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