livestock owners

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Iguana Specialist Group (formerly the West Indian Iguana Specialist Group)
Free-ranging livestock and woodcutting for charcoal production are probably the most common negative impacts on dry ... be removed if vegetation is to recover. Reduction plans will need to involve compensation for livestock owners and may be facilitated by establishing a warden from the local community. Fences may ...

Conflicts between farmers and livestock owners are minimized by the introduction of this rotational pattern. The participatory survey ... owners brought about with improved NPM systems, the movement of cattle is more carefully controlled. Growers appreciate the value of cows for soil fertility management and livestock owners ...

Topic Area: Endangered Species Recovery and the Role of Native Tribes
Idaho legislature, feared that the reintroduced predators would begin taking cattle and sheep. Moreover, under the Endangered Species Act (ESA), the livestock owners ... environmentalists, and away from extractive, utilitarian values, as expressed by Idaho land and livestock owners. The involvement of the Nez Perce in the project has allayed fears on ...

Gray Wolf - Defenders of Wildlife
While wolf predation on livestock is fairly uncommon, wolves that do prey on them are often killed to protect the livestock. Some livestock owners are developing non-lethal methods to reduce the chances of a wolf attacking their livestock. These methods include fencing livestock, lighting, alarm systems and removing dead or dying livestock ...

Idaho Office - Defenders of Wildlife
Defenders achieves this by reimbursing livestock owners for losses incurred due to wolf predation ... plans. Livestock Producer Advisory Council: Defenders established the Livestock Producer Advisory Council in 2004. The council consists of three or more representatives of the livestock industry serving ... More from this site

Pit Circles
Where ineffective non-predator proof kraals or bomas exist, predators enter and kill livestock at night. Losses also occur when livestock, sensing predators nearby, ... . If an established pilot pit project proved to reduce livestock losses, other livestock owners might wish to employ similar livestock protection and "employ" the knowledge of the builders ...

Black bear damage management and control
In most western states, livestock owners and property owners may legally kill bears that are killing livestock, damaging property, or threatening human safety. Several states ... Devices and Deterrents Black bears can be frightened from an area (such as buildings, livestock corrals, orchards) by the extended use of night lights, strobe lights, loud music, ...

Mountain Lion Foundation
Best Management Practices A resident and livestock owners guide to living in lion country Property assessment guide Non-lethal techniques review Safe Livestock Enclosure Plans With the help of 4- ... . Living With Lions - Does sport hunting mountain lions reduce attacks on people and livestock? Oregon Property Owners Tell ODFW "Not on MY Land!" Download your sample letter and sinage. For ...

Gray Wolf Archives: March 18, 2003 News Release
Endangered Species Act, these rules provide options for removing wolves that cause problems for livestock owners and other people affected by wolf populations. Such rules are possible for threatened species but ...

Endangered Species: Northern Rocky Mountains
Review: Historically, large predators in the United States were seen as threats to game and livestock, and were trapped, poisoned, and shot. The Federal government launched an aggressive program to ... where wolves could not be confirmed as the culprits in the death or disappearance of livestock, owners have been partially compensated by the fund. On several occasions, Defenders has also financed ...

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