Results 1 - 10 from 109 for game fence in 0.289 sec.
De Wildt Cheetah and Wildlife Trust, North West Province, South Africa
Kraal of calves Kraal at night Game Information: Total ha game fenced: Type of fence: Game fence with wire strands Game fence bonnox Game fence electrified Game fence apron Species of game and total numbers in game fenced area: Black Wildebeast Blesbok Blue ...
Rhino Ark - Humans in Harmony with Habitat and Wildlife
Black Rhino. It was for the sake of the rhino that the Aberdare game fence was started by Rhino Ark in 1988. The Aberdare National Park within the 2,000 ... Britain's Queen Elizabeth stayed on the night she became a monarch. Two world renowned game lodges - Treetops and The Ark enable thousands annually to see Black Rhino and hosts of ...
Trevor Gloor - The Seed Game
How about, "Arm in arm." While breathing the scent of sweet basil over the garden fence, we brainstormed. "Why not have a neighborhood choir?" With borrowed sheet music, the most experienced ... limitless. The fertilizer that keeps us farming the same garden is communication. Playing the seed game is neither ambitiously competitive nor passively ambivalent. One must know the variety of seed/wish ...
Preliminary study of the behavior and ecology of axis deer on Maui,
Ulupalakua; so also were goat pellets collected near the west fence of the National Park where deer did not frequent. Because deer ... habitat used by deer on the Ulupalakua Ranch was crisscrossed with game trails. The deer utilized such trails whenever moving from one place ... to exit the site. One-way exit gates installed along the fence allow such deer to depart, utilizing their tendency to search ...
Eugene Permaculture Guild - Eugene Oregon
Friday evening opened with a fun interactive game about sustainable living, when we discovered who among us has a ... up and there he was, on top of the six-foot fence, looking like an electrified porcupine with all his hairs standing out, ... explosive combination hiss/spit/yowl, shot down the length of the fence-top and sailed into the bamboo patch, leaving me wondering why ... :: The Online Rainwater Harvesting Community
By elevating the ... go the easier and more fun it gets. It has become a game where we use our creativity to get more and more out of ...
NMPIF Forests 1
Conversion of natural P-J woodlands to grassland for forage production and big-game values has resulted in ambiguous results. Seeding to improve forage has generally proved unsuccessful over ... habitat for elk and mule deer. P-J is also used for firewood, pinyon nuts, fence posts, charcoal, railroad ties, mining timbers, and livestock forage (Tueller 1979). Increasingly, Pinyon-Juniper is ...
Save wildlife by not mowing
The only tall grass grew directly in the fence row. The character of the land had changed, and so had its inhabitants. Gone were ... to increase grassland wildlife. By delaying mowing until after August 1, many species of game and non-game grassland birds and mammals can nest and raise young successfully. Mowing not only destroys ...
Rattlesnakes in California, Department of Fish and Game
Department of Fish and Game Skip to: Content | Footer | Accessibility Search: California DFG CA.GOV | Home Director' ... the yard is a “rattlesnake proof” fence. It can be expensive and requires maintenance, however. The fence should either be solid or with mesh no ... the bottom buried a few inches in the ground. Slanting your snake fence outward about a 30-degree angle will help. Vegetation should be ...
Predator Conservation Trust: Lion and Cheetah Introduction at Kalahari Game lodge
The land is surrounded by a sound game-proof fence that, in conjunction with its size and the size of the prey population, makes ... Sandveld landscape with an average annual rainfall of between 150 and 200 mm. An electrified game-proof fence surrounds the entire property. Temporary holding facilities were erected to facilitate the reintroduction of ...
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