increase productivity

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Results 1 - 10 from 463 for increase productivity in 0.375 sec.

Equity Watch - Global Environmental Government Unit - Centre for Science and Environment (CSE)
Such an activity could be simply adding nutrients to increase growth rate, pest management, low-impact harvesting where soil disturbance is kept at the ... and irrigation to increase productivity, introducing plant species like legumes or deep-rooted species and fire management are some of the practices used to manage grazing lands to increase their carbon ...

Increase productivity To increase the productivity and sustainability of rain-fed farming , farmers should pick the old , strong varieties of plants that are adapted to the local conditions . Growing two or more crops together can also increase productivity ...

ETAC: Objectives
ETAC: Objectives Objectives ETAC's mission is to help companies increase productivity, improve energy efficiency and achieve and maintain environmental compliance. ETAC believes that the key to ...

ETAC: Director's Welcome
Our mission is to help companies increase productivity, improve energy efficiency and achieve and maintain environmental compliance. We believe that the key to ... More from this site

Conclusion - Can China feed itself?
China would benefit from a moderate increase of (feed) grain imports Economically, it makes no sense to increase pressure on farmers for producing ever ... ), which - on the other hand - means that the farmers actually have "more room" to increase productivity. In addition there are some 30 million hectares of land reserves - primarily in the ...

Argument - Agricultural Policy Intervention Costs
Of course, a market-oriented land policy in China would have to include checks to ... More from this site

Environment Canada: Disclosure of Position Reclassifications
Changes to departmental/program mandate; Managers reorganize in response to external conditions that increase or decrease available resources; Managers reorganize to make more efficient and effective ... in employee competencies; or Managers reassign work among their existing human resources to increase productivity, such as in response to vacancies that require temporary or permanent reassignment of ...

ForestHarvest - Scotland's non-timber forest products from the owner's perspective
Opportunities and benefits Modification of planting, management and harvesting regimes to increase productivity of specific NTFPs such as moss and mushrooms. Moss production, for example, might be increased ...

Micro-Environment Control System Gets On Board PC
The MECS is totally self-contained and on wheels so is easily moved around, even ...

UNEP/GRID-Arendal - Publications - In Dead Water - Impact of Unsustainable Fishing Practices on Sea Bed and Ocean Productivity
Sea Bed and Ocean Productivity Fishery resources, the harvest of the oceans, are concentrated in marine areas where the environmental conditions support a high productivity. Such areas are found ... as well. A major challenge is the fact that very modest levels of trawling may increase productivity of certain genera, and localized small-scale trawling practices will likely have limited impact. ...

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