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ETI BioInformatics - Macrobenthos of the North Sea. Vol. I 1.0 for Mac FAQ
ETI BioInformatics - Macrobenthos of the North Sea. Vol. I 1.0 for Mac FAQ Windows CD-ROMs Macintosh CD-ROMs Linnaeus II ... IdentifyIt Tips Publishing your project online Porting your data Checklist Macintosh FAQ - Macrobenthos of the North Sea. Vol. I 1.0 Q: In the Index module of the Mollusca part, I don ...
The North Sea - Environmental Data Compendium
North Sea - Environmental Data Compendium Ecosystems > The North Sea The North Sea Index section North Sea Rare North Sea fish Subsection:Guidance Commercial fishery in the North Sea Subsection:Guidance Pollution of the North Sea Introduction The North Sea is a relatively shallow coastal sea ...
Dolphin Care UK - The North Sea and East Coast
North Sea and East Coast East Coast - Is the North Sea warming up?. Skip to content Home About Us Contact Details ... water species, with few records from the North Sea, so that could indicate that the North Sea is getting warmer. The sightings of common ... North Sea, but in recent years, sightings have become more regular. A local fisherman says the presence of Risso's dolphins in the North Sea ...
North Sea Minke Whale Estimate
North Sea Minke Whale Estimate Source: High North News no. 10, May 15, 1995 North Sea Minke Whale Estimate The NASC survey also counted minke whales and arrived at the figure of 9,000. The area surveyed partially overlaps the areas covered by the Norwegian North Sea ... , indicate that there are minke whales belonging to the North East Atlantic stock that are not represented in ...
NIRAS / Disposal of Brent Spar, North Sea
NIRAS / Disposal of Brent Spar, North Sea Home PrintDisposal of Brent Spar, North Sea In cooperation with Em. Z. Svitzer and A.P. Møller Group, DEMEX/NIRAS performed a ...
Guidance Commercial fishery in the North Sea - Environmental Data Compendium
North Sea - Environmental Data Compendium Ecosystems > The North Sea > Commercial fisheries Guidance Commercial fishery in the North Sea Index section Commercial fishery in the North Sea Cod, herring, plaice and sole in the North Sea ... porpoise: fishing and pesticides Animals of the floor of the North Sea, and beam trawling Introduction The North Sea is one of the world's most important fishing ...
Guidance Pollution of the North Sea - Environmental Data Compendium
North Sea - Environmental Data Compendium Ecosystems > The North Sea > Pollution Guidance Pollution of the North Sea Index section Pollution of the North Sea The fulmar and fish waste from trawlers Seabirds and oil spills in the North Sea ... animals. The rivers that flow into the North Sea from the Netherlands are the most important source of pollution in the sea. Most of the oil pollution, however, ...
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What North Sea Peak Oil Looks Like
What North Sea Peak Oil Looks Like In a March 16, 2006 article called North Sea oil and gas - The long goodbye, there is a telling chart ............. Click to read all ...
Sea Level and Human Global Warming
Sea Levels are not likely to begin falling until we are ... North Sea about 8000 years ago, sedimentary layers of mud, sand and rock have been building up and are now so heavy that it is depressing the crust under the North Sea ... in these places you can effectively think of doubling global sea level rises. Sea Levels could be as much as 1 metre or ...
North Island Nature Reserve
It lies some 2.5km NE of North Bluff and New Island North. It is 1.75km long with an average ... east coast drops away in a series of narrow shelves to sea level. Tussac grass covers a large portion of the Island's ... Bird, Black-throated Finch, Falkland Thrush, and Striated Caracara (Johnny Rook). North Island: Rockhopper Penguins (Photo: R. White) Return to Nature Reserves? Contact ...
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