chemical fertilisers

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For example where chemical fertilisers cost to much, organic manures can provide free and healthy fertiliser while increasing the ... Integrated Pest Management (IPM) i.e. you should encourage the natural enemies of pests. Chemical fertilisers alone cannot conserve the soil as they discourage the growth of micro-organisms so ...

Corporate control - primalseeds
Reliance on chemical inputs Chemical fertilisers are needed for the increased energy demands of the modern varieties. Rows of uniform ... mechanism, and the gene is then effectively used up. . Soil degradation The substitution of chemical fertilisers for organic methods of returning nutrients to the soil, such as composting, crop rotation ...

hybrid vs open pollinated seeds
Reliance on these seeds enforces the use of chemical inputs. Hybrid seeds and their required fertilisers, pesticides and irrigation systems have trapped many of the world’s ... . In India hundreds of farmers have committed suicide due to debt. The substitution of chemical fertilisers for organic methods of returning nutrients to the soil, such as composting, crop rotation ... More from this site

Hop to It - Irish Frog Survey - What Kills Frogs?
Pollution Exposure to chemical fertilisers, pesticides and herbicides can cause frogs agonising deaths. Ammonium nitrate granules can kill a frog ...

News and Events
Thailand imported up to 30 billion baht worth of chemical fertilisers, or three million tonnes a year, said Apichart Pongsrihadulchai, chief of the Agriculture Extension Department ...

bio fuel - "Composting To Reduce Landfill Sites, And The Path To Biofuel Sustainability"
It also replaces chemical fertilisers and improves the quality of the soil, reducing crop pests, and retaining more moisture in ...

The main principle of organic farming is that it severely restricts the use of artificial chemical fertilisers and pesticides and animals are reared without the routine use of drugs and antibiotics. It ...

Freshwater: water pollution, brown water, riverbend, Ganga's sickness
Also, there is the runoff from more than six million tons of chemical fertilisers and pesticides sprayed on the fields along its length. Thus, this holy symbol of purification ...

Less is more for Nepali rice
Success arises from the mode of cultivation where the ... 1963-1982 show grants from a whole array of US and European chemical corporations including Monsanto, Shell Chemical, Union Carbide Asia, Bayer Philippines, Eli Lily, OccidentalChemical, Ciba Geigy (later part ...

Risk Assessments. Section where the actual HERA results on specific chemical ingredients (i.e. the HERA Risk Assessment) can be viewed.
Risk Assessments. Section where the actual HERA results on specific chemical ingredients (i.e. the HERA Risk Assessment) can be viewed. Home HERA Initiative News & Events ... by natural hydrolysis of human urine and faeces, animal wastes, food and organic wastes, mineral fertilisers, bacterial recycling of organic materials in ecosystems, etc. [Factors involved to be consulted : read the ...

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