entanglement cases

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Provincetown Center for Coastal Studies | Whale Rescue | Latest Disentanglement - right whale, Yellowfin
All of the confirmed entanglement cases involved leatherback turtles, an endangered species, and were scattered along the coast, with two ... boaters and the vast majority of cases were first radioed in to the US Coast Guard which then relayed the information to PCCS. Entanglement reports spanned the season, from June ...

Provincetown Center for Coastal Studies | Two Leatherback Turtles Disentangled in Cape Waters Wednesday
"The entanglement consisted of three wraps around the right pectoral flipper, seven ... enable us to fit them with a satellite tag (in future entanglement cases)," added Sharp. "UNH has developed the satellite tags that will ... Marine Fisheries. Mariners are encouraged to call the Marine Animal Entanglement Hotline at 1-800-900-3622 with any sightings of ...

Provincetown Center for Coastal Studies | Whale Rescue | Summary of the 2004 Season
Atlantic coast were confirmed. Twenty-six of these cases were newly discovered during the year and 4 were ongoing right whale entanglement cases from previous years. Twenty-four of the 30 cases were live entangled whales: ... More from this site

Turtle Walks at the Georgia Sea Turtle Center Rescues and Rehabilitates Injured Sea Turtles and Educates About These Endangered Species
Fishing gear is responsible for a majority of sea turtle entanglement cases. It may be nearly impossible for an entangled turtles to feed or escape predators. Because ...

SoundNet - Cetaceans Fight For Survival, Against Man-Made Odds
The right whale faces collisions with cargo ships and entanglement in fishing nets as it commutes up and down the eastern U ... to feel the effects of ozone depletion and global climate change. Cases of skin cancer have been turning up in species that live ... to lobster gear and gill nets to reduce the risk of entanglement. Whales may be among the first animals to feel the effects ...

Seal Conservation Society: The Pinnipeds
... such as pollution, over-fishing, entanglement in marine debris, fisheries-related culling, disturbance and bycatch have also arisen however with the result that in many cases the future of pinniped populations is ...

SCS: Steller Sea Lion (Eumetopias jubatus)
Steller sea lions in the U.S. due to entanglement in commercial fishing nets, an estimated average minimum of 30 sea lions killed each year ... giving birth the mother mates. Most pups are nursed for a year but in some cases can be nursed for up to 3 years. Juvenile and non-reproductive Steller sea lions ... More from this site

The Elkhorn Slough National Estuarine Research Reserve- a habitat for Thornyback Rays
Introduction: Methods: The samples were carried out using both entanglement nets and beach seine nets. In some cases specimens were captured manually. The entanglement nets were set perpendicular to the tidal flow of ...

SCS: Rescue and Rehabilitation
Kaysers Beach to Kei Mouth. Injuries are usually caused by entanglement in fishing lines or nets, shark bites or injury from boat propellers. The seals are ... Wales if local facilities are lacking or full. Also takes second opinion referrals and difficult cases from elsewhere. E: Save Our Seals (SOS), 15a St. Peters Road, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk NR30 ...

IWRC Online - Wildlife in Crisis
Entanglement in marine debris, fishing line or nets, and collisions with boats injure or kill both ... before you act. Mother may be protecting her youngsters from a watchful distance. In many cases, animals that truly have become separated from their families can be reunited with them. Keeping ...

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