fur seals

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Africa on the Matrix: Sea Lions (Cape Fur Seals)
Parks Zambia Canoe Safari Zimbabwe Parks Photo Tips Info News Sea Lions (Cape Fur Seals) Although known locally as "Cape fur seals," the marine animals that populate the coastal regions of Namibia and ... custom, however, they will be referred to here as "Cape fur seals" or just "seals." While in Namibia and South Africa, I encountered seals in several different locations: off South Africa's Cape ...

Northern Fur Seals Rebound in Sanctuary Waters
Fur Seals Rebound in Sanctuary Waters For Media Press Releases Calendar Sanctuary Watch Northern Fur Seals Rebound in Sanctuary Waters By Walt Bonora National Marine Sanctuaries Northern fur seals, hunted for their luxurious and valuable fur ... - Seals and pinnipeds in New Zealand
Tramping Bookstore Seals and pinnipeds Websites NZ Department of Conservation - Marine Mammals page NZ Department of Conservation - Fur seals page Landcare Research: Tourists and Fur seals University of Otago Marine Mammal Research Group Homer's website Seal conservation society Marine Mammal Net Tasmanian Wildlife Service - Seals ...

SCS: South American Fur Seal (Arctocephalus australis)
Fur Seal (Arctocephalus australis) South American Fur Seal (Arctocephalus australis) Distribution and Numbers Also known as the Southern fur seal, there are probably between 300,000 and 450,000 South American fur seals, ... fur seal pelts were obtained in southern Chile between 1873 and 1907. A total of 9,600 fur seals were also killed in Chile between 1976 and 1979. The hunting of fur seals ...

SCS: New Zealand Fur Seal (Arctocephalus forsteri)
The 1999 season saw a substantial reduction in the estimated number of fur seals killed by the fishery to 215 but the reasons for this are not yet known. Fur seals are ... Zealand fur seals and Australian fur seals each in their nets during the forthcoming season, a measure taken in response to the two ships together killing almost 90 fur seals in 1999. The killing of fur seals in ... More from this site

Shark Predation on Sable Island seals
Service, Narragansett Lab, Rhode Island), is in preparation. Shark predation on pinnipeds - seals, sea lions and fur seals - is a well- documented phenomenon. Shark-inflicted mortality may be a significant ... 405-414. Lucas, Z. & P-.Y. Daoust. 2002. Large increases of harp seals (Phoca groenlandica) and hooded seals (Cystophora cristata) on Sable Island, Nova Scotia, since 1995. Polar Biology 25 ...

Farallones Marine Sanctuary Association :: Volunteer :: SEALS Program
You are here: Volunteer > SEALS Program SEALS Program The SEALS program was established to document and reduce the impact of human activity on harbor ... National Marine Sanctuary provides a home to California Sea Lions, small breeding rookeries for Northern Fur Seals and Steller's Sea Lions, and about 20% of California's Harbor Seal population.... Read ...

Brothers of the seals
The seals swim back to the shores of their birth in June ... are protected, but the northern fur seals are already listed as depleted. Some rookeries are visibly declining. The alarming drop in populations of Steller sea lions, harbor seals and many species of birds ...

Fur Seal | It's Nature
Endangered Species Legendary Creatures Fur Seal From It's Nature! Home » Aquatic Mammals » Fur Seal Fur Seal The name given to these guys just about says it all. Fur seals are beautiful marine ... deal of time in play with other seals. Fur seals have excellent eyesight and very keen sharp hearing senses. They will eat fish, small octopus and lobster. Fur Seals can hold their breath underwater for ...

Seals belong to the order Pinnipedia, which means "flap-footed", and refers to their webbed limbs. Within this order there are three different families: Phocidae - the true, or eared seals; Otaridae - fur seals ... seals find it difficult to move about quickly. True seals lack external earflaps - one of the distinguishing features that separate true seals from the sea lions and fur seals. All seals ...

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