crocus bulbs

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Monkey Maddness - TOXIC PLANTS
APRICOT PITS inner seed dangerous ATROPA BELLADONNA all parts, especially black berries AUTUMN CROCUS bulbs AVOCADO foliage AZALEAS all parts are fatal! BALSAM PEAR seeds, outer rind of ... seeds COMMON PRIVET foliage and berries CORAL PLANT all parts CROCUS bulbs CROTON foliage, shoots CYCLAMEN foliage, stems and flowers DAFFODIL bulbs, foliage, flowers and pods DAPHNE berries DATURA (Jimson weed ...

APHIS Raleigh Plant Protection Center
Corm: Shortened underground stem with scaly leaves; as in the crocus plant. Corolla: Inner, usually colored, whorl of sterile floral parts; the petals. Corymb (corymbose): ... of a plant that will produce another plant; variously seeds, stems, roots, rhizomes, stolons, bulbs, turions, corms, pips, etc. Puberulent: Minutely pubescent. Pubescent: Covered with hairs. Raceme: A simple ...

What to do with a Lawn
It is advisable to plant bulbs of similar flowering times together to make any lawn maintenance more ... short grass and under trees, flowers late spring, very edible bulbs when cooked. Dog's Tooth Violet, Erythronium den-canis: 15cm ... , 3.5cm bulbs edible, but a little bitter. Or for beauty, there are many other bulbs, such as daffodils, bluebells, crocus etc that ...

Walton Hall Nature Trail, what's on January-March
Many other bulbs are starting to push through so we can look forward to a succession of crocus, snowdrops, daffodils and bluebells. Many of the buds ...

Woodland Garden Plants - Plants For A Future
If you want to cultivate plants for their bulbs then I would recommend trying the tiger lily, L. lancifolium. Montia ... 'm very curious about "Bowles" species plants, and collect them from carfex to phomis and crocus. Any suggestions, maybe even old roses? Gratefully, Beatrice Bowles Link: harmony hill garden stories Woodland ...

Planters and Container Gardeing
In spring, you can have bulbs, cineraria, pansies, primroses, English daisies and azaleas. For summer, the annuals offer unlimited choices. Fall ... in your backyard. This takes careful planning, but it will give you spectacular color from crocus time until frost. Many plants may be grown in pots and set in soil, damp ...