Results 1 - 10 from 42 for federal noxious weeds in 0.323 sec.
APHIS Raleigh Plant Protection Center
(IPPRA) This database in comprised of insects, mites, nematodes, and plant pathogens regulated by APHIS. Federal Noxious Weeds. This database contains data on invasive plants regulated by APHIS. North American Non-Indigenous Arthropod ...
APHIS Raleigh Plant Protection Center
Avenue of entry for Federal Noxious Weeds: An article being imported from abroad that may harbor or be contaminated with Federal Noxious Weeds. Awn: A bristle or hairlike appendage. ... on a single receptacle; as a sunflower. Fruit: A ripened ovary. FNW: Federal Noxious Weed. FNWs: Federal Noxious Weeds. Fodder: Vegetable materials fed to domestic animals, such as hay and corn. ...
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Invasive Species
Library, for the National Invasive Species Council A gateway to federal and state invasive species activites and programs. Federal Noxious Weeds Program USDA - Office of Operations Designed to prevent ... , and plant pathogens regulated by APHIS. Federal Noxious Weeds: data on invasive plants regulated by APHIS. North American Non-Indigenous Database (NANIAS). Weeds Gone Wild: Alien Plant Invaders of ...
Invasive Plants of the Eastern United States: Identification and Control
Variously referred to as exotic, nonnative, alien, noxious, or non-indigenous weeds, invasive plants impact native plant and animal communities by displacing native vegetation ... an official list of "invasive" plants throughout the eastern United States, it includes Federal Noxious Weeds and those listed by State regulatory agencies, pest plant councils and other organizations. ...
Florida Plant Collecting: Regulations and Permitting
Federal Noxious Weed List. Noxious Weeds in the United States and Canada (a USDA supported part of the Invaders Database System) provides a searchable database of the noxious weed ... are administered by Plant Protection and Quarantine (PPQ). Examples include, plant pathogens, federal noxious weeds and parasitic plants and Phytosanitary Issues Management. The USDA guide, "Miscellaneous and Processed ...
Global Compendium of Weeds
(See also noxious weed for distinction/possible status overlap.) Noxious weed: Species subject to legal restrictions (i.e., control, eradication, containment, etc.); for some countries this term also encompasses quarantine species (i.e., U.S. Federal Noxious Weeds ...
Permaculture: Weeds or Wild Nature
Landcare model of recreating native ecosystems in public open space and urban wasteland. State and federal funding has seen the rapid growth in projects involving the community as well as ... It required the destruction of 54 species (in addition to species listed in the state Noxious weeds legislation) and required control of propagation of a further 29 species. The amalgamated Nillumbik shire ...
Babbit's alien species statements - April 1998
Babbitt wants a national plan for controlling these that would link people from every sector and discipline: scientists and land managers, local, state and federal agencies, commercial ... States and darkened the area conquered by invading weeds, you might be shocked at how the battle is going. Babbitt says noxious weeds have infested a hundred million acres nationwide and ...
U.S. Global Change Research Information Office
Among other noxious traits, it hybridizes with cultivated sorghum to produce "shattercane," which is agriculturally worthless. ... plants, under the Federal Noxious Weed Act of 1974 and the 1939 Federal Seed Act, but it has been slow to exercise the authority and narrow in its interpretation of "noxious." Such documented scourges ...
Archived historical HEAR news phlashes
HDOA is allowed to prohibit the sale of noxious weeds in the state and allow the importation of noxious weeds for research purposes only." [ more ] Hawaii Ant Plan now online The ... . Bill proposed for better incoming Hawaii ag inspection FYI: "Case bill says Hawaii needs incoming federal ag inspections that are same or better as current outgoing ag inspections" Online book: "Alien ...
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