male and female

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Results 1 - 10 from 518 for male and female in 0.334 sec.

Danaan Parry - The Dance Of Male & Female In Intentional Community
In Jimmy's ritual circle experience, he and his companions (male and female) tapped into and acted out some of those deeper aspects of wholesome femaleness and ...

Appropriate Technology and Co-operative Culture in Ladakh
Staple crops are barley and wheat, and there is some grazing in high summer pastures for sheep, cows, yaks ... between rich and poor, male and female, old and young. Roles are very flexible. Women do some jobs more than men and vice versa; but rigid distinctions are rare. There is very little specialization, and as a ...

EMS - Environmental Entomology - Invertebrate Surveys and Conservation - Bird and Insect Databases
Breeding Survey - 10km square occurrence and population change; 1994-1997 Conservation - conservation information, i.e. legal status, threats, BTO alert designations and ...

EMS - Environmental Entomology - Invertebrate Surveys and Conservation - Bird and Insect Databases
April not gregarious solitary and territorial; no flocking monogamous pair bond, rarely bigamous territorial 332sq m 202-688sq m up to 1000 pairs/sq km male and female in territory, female on nest when two ... and dispersive in Asia resident, some long distant travel noted by individuals n/a n/a n/a n/a not gregarious gregarious primarily monogamous pair bond; male can be promiscuous while female ... More from this site

Preliminary study of the behavior and ecology of axis deer on Maui, Hawaii
Tak & Lamba's (1984) high was 92 . In general, herd stability of axis deer is poor; marked individuals, both male and female, have been observed to change associations frequently, sometimes daily (Schaller 1967; Fuchs 1977; Miura 1981). Thus, the most cohesive unit is that of mother and young (de ...

WELL - Resource Centre Network for Water, Sanitation and Environmental Health
NGOs. Community involvement is key to ... and a catalogue of the options, costs and materials required. The Choo Chetu Fundis in Temeke Municipality are a CBO of 19 male and female masons and social mobilisers. Trained in toilet construction and ...

Sports and Recreation: Indiana University
Valley Conference, and the Mid-Continent Conference. The Hoosier athletic program on the Bloomington campus is the university's largest, with more than 600 male and female student athletes competing on 24 varsity teams. Each campus also provides countless recreational, intramural, and informal sporting opportunities for students. IU ...

Religion and the Environment Introduction
Religion and the Environment And Replenish the Earth By Gayle Parry, SOC Trustee So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the ...

The Eared Trogon [Euptilotis neoxenus] in Arizona: Behavior, Ecology, and Management of the "Northern Quetzal"
February, and word once again spread in the birding community. February visitation at the preserve increased by 5% and use of the Hamburg Trail increased by 20% over February 1991. Both male and female trogons were present on the preserve the first week of March and made sporadic appearances ...

Q and A's about Gray Wolf Biology
In each pack, ... and then the living mate will find another mate. 14) What happens to a pack when the alpha male or female ... female selects a hollow log, cave, tree with overhanging branches, or abandoned beaver lodge instead of making a den. At birth, wolf pups are deaf and blind, have dark fuzzy fur and ...

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