Shoreline erosionThe ability of wetlands to control erosion, is so valuable that some states are restoring wetlands in coastal areas to buffer the storm surges from hurricanes and tropical storms. Wetlands located at the margins of lakes, rivers, bays, and the oceans, are protecting shorelines and stream banks against erosion. Wetland plants, are holding the soil in place with their roots, absorbing the energy of waves, and breaking up the flow of stream or river currents. |
More about:
More than one third of the US threatened species live in wetlands.
Wetlands are some of the most biologically productive natural ecosystems in the world.
Wetlands have important filtering capabilities.
Water storage is one of the important abilities of wetlands.
Wetlands function as natural sponges that trap and slowly release water.
We use a wealth of natural products from wetlands and use them for recreation.
Global warming and lack of knowledge are reasons why wetlands are threatened ecosystems.