Results 1 - 10 from 21 for yearling males in 0.290 sec.
Preliminary study of the behavior and ecology of axis deer on Maui,
(Graf & Nichols 1966). Prior to giving birth, a female leaves her yearling and other companions and seeks a secluded spot. The fawn is kept hidden for ... had older young instead, suggesting reproduction was aseasonal in this population. Yearling males tended to be grouped with other males, whereas yearling females seemed to remain with their mother. Bucks with large antlers ...
Lundy - Sika Deer Projects
These groups include the yearling females and those yearling males with undeveloped horns that are too young to associate with the stag parties; yearling males and females cannot be distinguished ... the phenomenon is puzzling, particularly when females use better habitats than males. Some have suggested that males are forced by female grazing pressure into marginal habitats, the so-called ...
Badger damage control and management
Eyeshine at night is green. Fig. 2 ... early fall, but have delayed implantation, with active gestation beginning around February. Some yearling females may breed, but yearling males do not. As many as 5 young, but usually 2 or 3, are ...
Sable Island Horses Names 01
Hobbit is a band stallion with two mares and a yearling. Although the three males are no longer together, the association of names and appearance bring to mind ...
Gray Wolf - WDNR
Weight: 50-100 pounds/average for adult males is 75 pounds, average for adult females is 60 pounds. Description ... Timber Wolves, are the largest wild members of the dog family. Males are usually bigger than females. Timber wolves have silvery gray-brown ... , as in the case of Carol and Big Al, radio-collared yearling sisters in one Wisconsin pack. Carol left the pack one December, ...
Castrating 9003 12/30/01 Most goat owners prefer to castrate all young males which are not going to be kept for breeding purposes. We will talk about the ... or yearling goats who sell them for meat purposes (even if they’re not of the "meat" breeds) will prefer to have them castrated for easier handling and shipping. Disadvantages Males that ...
Fox Squirrel
Breeding occurs in January, with much chasing around in the treetops as males try to woo the females. The female will prepare a nest of dry leaves, typically ... siblings are often seen wrestling, playing follow the leader and doing other typical kid stuff. Yearling females will usually have only one litter per year. Older females will have two litters ...
Tips and Tricks
If you look at the pictures of adult males, their heads are squarer and larger than the female and their jowls are ... by a vet. An iguana triples it's size from hatchling to yearling. With such rapid growth, a proper diet is critical to an iguana' ... by a vet. An iguana triples it's size from hatchling to yearling. With such rapid growth, a proper diet is critical to an iguana ...
Tufted Titmouse - All About The Tufted Titmouse
The males and females look exactly alike, right down to the tiny black eyes. To add to ... through the winter and strike out on their own later in the second year. Some yearling titmice usually stay on and assist their parents in raising a brood the following year ...
August Bears
The yearling bears rapidly shredded and devoured the large fish. The female of the species Ursus arctos ... opportunities, augmenting their protective fat reserves at every chance. Huge, solitary males, and females with one to three spring or yearling cubs, prowled the banks and braved chilly streams, always poised to ...