yearling females

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Preliminary study of the behavior and ecology of axis deer on Maui, Hawaii
(Graf & Nichols 1966). Prior to giving birth, a female leaves her yearling and other companions and seeks a secluded spot. The fawn is kept hidden for 2 ... older young instead, suggesting reproduction was aseasonal in this population. Yearling males tended to be grouped with other males, whereas yearling females seemed to remain with their mother. Bucks with large antlers were ...

Lundy - Sika Deer Projects
These groups include the yearling females and those yearling males with undeveloped horns that are too young to associate with the stag parties; yearling males and females cannot be distinguished reliably under the conditions where we see them, but they are distinguishable from the adult females. Although April is ...

Fox Squirrel
January, with much chasing around in the treetops as males try to woo the females. The female will prepare a nest of dry leaves, typically in a hollow tree. From ... , playing follow the leader and doing other typical kid stuff. Yearling females will usually have only one litter per year. Older females will have two litters, with the second being born in early ...

Badger damage control and management
Male badgers are solitary except during the mating season, and females are solitary except when mating or rearing young. Densities of badgers are reported to be ... early fall, but have delayed implantation, with active gestation beginning around February. Some yearling females may breed, but yearling males do not. As many as 5 young, but usually 2 or 3, are ...

Migration of the Southern Humpback Whales
Page | 7 Mothers with Calves (Photo: Trish Franklin) The first to leave Antarctica are the females who are at the end of lactation and weaning their young. By the time they ... the mating and birthing grounds in the Great Barrier Reef, the calves have reached the yearling stage and are a little more able to look after themselves, although most remain close ...

Migration of the Southern Humpback Whales
Barrier Reef provide the ideal conditions for female humpbacks to give birth to their young. Females are capable of having a calf every two years and pregnancy lasts for over eleven ... is only a few days old. We saw 'Silky' again in early 1997 as a Yearling. It seems calves are also born during the northward migration. Newly born calves have been ... More from this site

Gray Wolf - WDNR
Weight: 50-100 pounds/average for adult males is 75 pounds, average for adult females is 60 pounds. Description Habits Food Breeding Biology Distribution History in Wisconsin Current Status Misconceptions ... . Even siblings behave differently, as in the case of Carol and Big Al, radio-collared yearling sisters in one Wisconsin pack. Carol left the pack one December, returned in February, then ...

Perdita: The "Lost" Rufous Hummingbird, Selasphorus rufus
Back in October 2003, she appeared as a recently hatched yearling, making irregular visits to the Berry feeders and even avoiding ... Dec 2005 Perdita has changed in appearance from when she was a yearling (see trio of photos above). Back then she had only three ... of white and shows the tapered "nippling" characteristic of older females. The outermost rectrix--#5--is the shortest, and the innermost ...

Hudson River Almanac -- April 1998
Atlantic sturgeon, 11 3/4" long, probably a yearling. We kept it only long enough to measure and show the school kids on board ... , white perch, and a yellow perch had made their way up from Foundry Cove. The females among them were gravid with eggs; their spawning runs were in progress. As we released ...

Tufted Titmouse - All About The Tufted Titmouse
The males and females look exactly alike, right down to the tiny black eyes. To add to the camouflage ... through the winter and strike out on their own later in the second year. Some yearling titmice usually stay on and assist their parents in raising a brood the following year ...

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