Results 1 - 10 from 30 for weddell sea in 0.281 sec.
Papers - CO2 December 2003
Hoppema Change from carbon dioxide source to sink in the Weddell Sea Mollenhauer et al. Organic carbon accumulation in the South Atlantic Svendsen and Vesterdal Carbon dioxide ...
QuikSCAT Iceberg Data Animations (NASA SCP - CERS - BYU)
Movie Example Bellinghausen/Weddell Sea Western Antarctica Amundsen/Eastern Ross Sea Ross Sea Antarctica Western Ross Sea/Wilkesland Eastern Antarctica Amery/Eastern Weddell Sea Weddell Sea Images: Unlabeled Movie ... Weddell Sea 0 to 90' W (QSCAT qush data) Amundsen/Eastern Ross Sea 90 to 180' W (QSCAT qush data) Western Ross Sea/Wilkesland 90 to 180' E (QSCAT qush data) Amery/Eastern Weddell Sea ...
Global Climate Change: Research Explorer - Cryosphere
Rhode Island and sent thousands of icebergs drifting into the Weddell Sea. This was the largest single event in a series of retreats of the Larsen Ice ...
MBARI - News releases, news briefs, and feature stories - 2008
This once-a-year event featured science and technology exhibits, displays of deep-sea video, research presentations, children's activities, ocean career information, and much more. ^Remotely operated vehicle ... 2005, marine ecologist Ken Smith led a team that spent a month in Antarctica's Weddell Sea, and came away with a new perspective on icebergs. Instead of just immense chunks of ...
SeaWinds on QuikSCAT Images and Movies
Selected regions: Antarctic & Arctic Siberia & North Africa Greenland & Alaska Europe, China and Japan Ross & Weddell Seas Australia & North America Indonesia & Bering Strait South Africa & South America Central America & South ... 001-366 (3.9MB) 2005.001-164 (1.7MB) Ross Ice Shelf & Weddell Sea Regions Ross Ice Shelf (QSCAT data) Weddell Sea (QSCAT data) Gif 2000.090-226 (49.8MB) 2000.090-264 ( ...
The Earth Organization - Frequently Asked Questions
Larsen B shattered, releasing 720 billion tons of ice into the Weddell Sea. It was the largest single disintegration event in 30 years of ice shelf monitoring. Preliminary ...
Modern Observations in Climate change research
Orkney plateau. Since 1999 we maintain a deep ocean time series station to observe the Weddell Sea outflow, see the CORC-ARCHES Southern Ocean. This project is part of the Climate ... the North Western Weddell Sea to document climate variability and change in one of the sources for Southern Ocean Bottom water. Documented an steady increase in subsurface temperatures in the Weddell Sea over the ...
Weddell Sea to document climate variability and change in one of the sources for Southern Ocean Bottom water. Warming in Weddell Sea. Documented an steady increase in subsurface temperatures in the Weddell Sea ... , not just regionally. Weakening SST Gradients. Determined that meridional and zonal gradients of sea surface temperature in the equatorial Pacific Ocean were much less than today during ...
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The Arctic and Antarctic -
Antarctic Circumpolar Current the Southern Ocean includes Amundsen Sea, Drake Passage, Ross Sea, Bellingshausen Sea, Weddell Sea, and part of the Scotia Sea. The coastline length is 17,968 km and the ... species living in Antarctica. The most common seals found in this region are the Weddell (named after the explorer), the Ross, crabeater, leopard, southern elephant, and the Antarctic fur ...
Sea Level, Ice, and Greenhouses -- FAQ
Summary: Survey of physical processes affecting sea level. Archive-name: sea-level-faq Version: Sea Level FAQ v 7.1 ... to be able to have catastrophic effects on sea level. They are sea ice, mountain glaciers, the Greenland ice sheet ... sea level if they disappeared. But the ice shelves serve another role in West Antarctica. The Filchner-Ronne (in the Weddell Sea) and the Ross Ice shelf (in the Ross Sea ...
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