antarctic peninsula

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Results 1 - 10 from 72 for antarctic peninsula in 0.293 sec.

Larsen Ice Shelf Expedition, Antarctic Peninsula Information, Facts -- National Geographic
Ice Shelf expedition team traverse the Antarctic Peninsula. About the Project In December 2007, a team of explorers set off on a five-week expedition to the Antarctic Peninsula, where they are traversing the ... in the Weddell Sea as possible, then cross the Antarctic Peninsula to its western side. Very few have ventured down this side of the peninsula, even during the warmer summer months, since ...

Gentoo Penguin Paper
South Atlantic/Antarctic Peninsula region. In contrast, the comparatively long foraging trips during incubation and brooding were similar to ...

FMI - Research - Polar research
Middle and upper atmosphere Space research Climate change Polar research » Arctic research » Antarctic research » Polar Year » Suomeksi » På svenska Research | Polar research Polar research Polar research ... Finland to the Antarctic treaty. The Antarctic activities of FMI takes place in three locations: at the Argentinean Base of Marambio near the tip of Antarctic Peninsula, at the Finnish ...

The Regional Impacts of Climate Change
Further breakup of ice shelves in the Antarctic peninsula is likely. Elsewhere in Antarctica, little change is expected in coastlines and probably in ... Arctic have major strategic implications for trade, especially between Asia and Europe. Conclusions: The Antarctic peninsula and the Arctic are very vulnerable to projected climate change and its impacts. Although ...

SCS: Crabeater Seal (Lobodon carcinophagus)
All killing of seals in the Antarctic region is regulated by the Antarctic Treaty and the Convention for the Conservation of Antarctic Seals (CCAS). A Soviet Union commercial sealing ... far inland. Crabeater seals feed almost entirely on krill, small shrimp-like creatures, near the Antarctic peninsula but are known to have a more opportunistic and varied diet in other regions. The ...

Global Climate Change: Research Explorer - Cryosphere
Antarctica. The Antarctic Peninsula, where the Larsen shelf is located, has experienced greater warming than other parts of the ... five years, the shelf shrunk by about 5700 square kilometers (2200 square miles). While the Antarctic Peninsula is warming faster than the global average, other parts of this huge continent are cooling ...

David Suzuki Foundation: Climate Change: Science: Collapsing Ice Sheets
Two types of ice sheets The three major ice sheets are the East Antarctic, West Antarctic and Greenland. The East Antarctic Ice Sheet is extremely thick, and frozen solidly to a dry base ... of melting increases in a self-accelerating cycle. Change is underway Ice shelves of the Antarctic Peninsula have been collapsing in recent years. Most recently, the Larsen B Ice Shelf suddenly disintegrated ...

Global Warming Facts and Our Future - Impacts of Change - Ecosystems
A 7°–9°F rise in midwinter temperatures on the western Antarctic Peninsula during the past 50 years, and associated receding sea-ice pack, is reflected in their ...

Pacific Fisheries Environmental Laboratory) Arcata Field Station Granite Canyon Field Station Piedras Blancas Field Station Antarctic Peninsula Field Stations Southeast Southeast Fisheries Science Center Galveston Laboratory Panama City Laboratory Pascagoula Laboratory Beaufort ...

US NSF - OPP - AIL - Division of Antarctic Infrastructure and Logistics
Polar Services) Visit the South Pole webcam.     Palmer Station, Anvers Island, Antarctic Peninsula Region, Antarctica. (NSF/USAP photo by Jeffrey Kietzmann, Raytheon Polar Services) LOGISTICAL ...   The U.S. Antarctic Program operates two icebreaking research ships, Laurence M. Gould and Nathaniel B. Palmer between South America and the Antarctic Peninsula, in the Antarctic Peninsula region, and ...

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