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EMS - Environmental Entomology - Invertebrate Surveys and Conservation - Bird and Insect Databases
Mediterranean coasts n/a mainly fish, ... fluctuations as British since winters are generally less severe and water remains ice-free 9000-15000 individuals, 1984 n/k n/k n/a decreased ... a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a clear ice-free water, still and gently flo; needs suitable banks for nest ...
SCS: Bearded Seal (Erignathus barbatus)
Bearded Seal (Erignathus barbatus) Distribution and Numbers So named because of their long whiskers, the ice-inhabiting bearded seals are found around the Arctic Ocean and adjacent seas up to a ... seasonally ice-covered waters less than 200m deep. They prefer to inhabit areas of broken pack ice and drifting ice floes, but are quite versatile and also occur in areas of shorefast ice and thick ice ...
SCS: Grey Seal (Halichoerus grypus)
St. Lawrence on land-fast ice or ice floes. In the Baltic Sea pupping takes place mostly on pack ice in the middle of the sea ... archipelago. This situation can vary if the winter has produced little ice in the Baltic Sea. Females usually give birth about a day ... however where the females are more spread out, usually on sand or ice, males are usually only able to mate with one female. There ...
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2007 IUCN Red List – Search
Polar bears did adapt ... ice-covered waters of the circumpolar Arctic, and their range is limited by the southern extent of sea ice. Although some occur in the permanent multi-year pack ice of the central Arctic basin, they are most common in the annual ice ...
CRESLI harp seal page
Greenland" which is fitting for these inhabitants of the polar pack ice. Their migration roughly follows the edge of the pack ice which retreats northward in the ... which gives it ideal camouflage as it spends long periods of time waiting on the ice for the mother to return from feeding. The pups stay with the mother for approximately ...
Origins: Antarctica: Field Notes: Lessons on Sea Ice
Ice by Mary K. Miller December 7, 2001 This place is called "The Ice" for good reason. Ice dominates the landscape of much of Antarctica with a thick coat of brilliant white. Solid pack ice also conceals what would be open sea just out the window of my temporary office in McMurdo Station. During winter and spring, the ice ... broke through a weak spot in the ice and was submerged up to its ...
Polar Bear - Arctic Mammal - The Polar Bear
In the south, polar bears are annual visitors to southern Labrador, Newfoundland, Norway, and occasionally to the Gulf of St. Lawrence during years with heavy pack ice. The most ... Categories In The Air Endangered Species Extinct Species Legendary Creatures On the Ground On the Ice Plant Life Natural Wonders Underwater In The Trees On Television Wild Travels Most Recent Irukandji ...
Science and the Environment Bulletin: Breaking the Ice About Sassats
Because ice concentrations in these packs are already about 80 per cent, certain conditions ... cold temperatures and winds from the northeast, which pushed the unconsolidated pack ice up against the ice edge. They estimate that the ice advanced about 30 kilometres in less than 48 hours, and that ...
Science and the Environment Bulletin: What's Happening to Arctic Ice?
What's Happening to Arctic Ice? What's Happening to Arctic Ice? Sea ice in Canada's Arctic and sub-Arctic regions has ... Canada's Arctic waters are covered by an essentially solid ice pack throughout winter. The ice starts to break up in July, permitting a three ... there was any quantitative trend to this pattern, the Ice Service digitized the weekly ice charts it has produced for the Canadian Arctic ...
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The Mountain Institute - Ice Maiden
Share a story Home » Our Work » In the Andes » Ice Maiden The Ice Maiden of Mt. Ampato Nevado Sabancaya, a volcanic peak ... pack. When they approached they realized the bundle was a small, tightly wrapped body, held to the mountain only by ice. Freeing it from the ice ... her to Reinhard's backpack. Zarate dug steps into the steep, ice-covered slope, while Reinhard hefted the 80 pound mummy, tough ...
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