wadden sea

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Results 1 - 10 from 28 for wadden sea in 0.296 sec.

ETI BioInformatics - Portfolio: Education
Dutch. De Wadverkenner/Die Watt-experte An interactive guide to the Wadden Sea, containing extensive information about this unique marine area along the coasts of Denmark, Germany and ... Dutch and German, features 3D animation and virtual reality views of different locations in the Wadden Sea area, and also allows you to make a virtual journey along the many islands, learning ...

Nachwuchsforschergruppe IMPULSE, Modellierung und Planungsunterstützung Meer und Küste
Planungsunterstützung Meer und Küste Projects Submarine Cable "Offshore wind farms in the North- and Baltic Sea are the key for a further expansion of energy production by wind power", stated ... connection via the Wadden Sea. On the other hand the ecological uniqueness and the importance of this ecosystem as well as the high national and international protection status of the Wadden Sea are standing ...

Protected area review > The evolution of protected area appoaches
Evolution of protected area categories IUCN definition of protected areas: “An area of land or sea especially dedicated to the protection and maintenance of biological diversity, and of natural and ... in Australia as an example from the marine environment. The other marine example is the Wadden sea agreement between Denmark, Germany and the Netherlands. An example from nearer home could perhaps be ...

The Natural Capital Index of the Netherlands - Environmental Data Compendium
Zeeland, and the Waddenzee (Wadden Sea). Trends in natural capital Combining all the natural ecosystems allows the Natural Capital Index for ...

The North Sea - Environmental Data Compendium
Sea has very diverse communities. There are big differences between the shallow coastal zone, up to 20 metres depth, and the open sea. Together with the Waddenzee (Wadden Sea ... More from this site

Our Stolen Future: Exposure is ubiquitous
North Sea and the Wadden Sea. PBDE levels in dolphins and seals indicate that ongoing industrial production of PBDEs may ...

Seal Conservation Society: Library
SH, Harrison RJ (eds) (1981) - "Handbook of marine mammals, Volume 1: The walrus, sea lions, fur seals and sea otter". Academic Press, London & San Diego. 250pp ISBN:0-1258-8501-6 [also ... ) (1981) - "Marine mammals of the Wadden Sea". AA Balkema, Rotterdam. 64pp Wynne K (1997) - "Guide to marine mammals of Alaska" (2nd Edition). University of Alaska, Alaska Sea Grant College Program. 80pp ISBN:1 ...

SCS: Rescue and Rehabilitation
Schleswig-Holstein Wadden Sea , including the island of Helgoland, and the Baltic coast of Schleswig-Holstein. Normally ... for marine mammals found stranded in the area covering the entire Niedersachsen (Lower Saxony) Wadden Sea, including the East Friesian Islands. Rehabilitates and re-releases between 20 - 50 sick ...

SCS: Harbour Seal (Phoca vitulina)
Svalbard, Iceland, the British Isles, the southwestern Baltic Sea, and on western European coasts from northern Norway to France ... harbour seal populations from the Kattegat to the North Sea, through the Wadden Sea, killing over 18,000 eastern Atlantic harbour seals. Most ... the Bern Convention, and the subpopulations in the Baltic and Wadden Seas are listed as an Appendix II species under the ...

UNEP/GRID-Arendal - Publications - In Dead Water - Impact of Unsustainable Fishing Practices on Sea Bed and Ocean Productivity
Change in the SeaCoral BleachingExtreme Weather and Hurricanes Impact CoastsSea Level RiseOcean AcidificationIncreasing Sea Temperatures Already Cause Changes in Distribution of Marine LifeSlowing Down of Thermohaline Circulation ... 2007; Kensington et al., 2007; Liwuete et al., 2007; Waller et al., 2007); the Wadden Sea (Buhs and Reise, 1997; Lotze, 2005); the Mediterranean (Coll et al., 2007); the ...

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