vinegar and salt

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Chemicals in the Household | Kid's Stuff | Educator and Student Resources | Gulf of Mexico Program | US EPA
Dishwashing detergent Chlorine Surfactants 1 part borax to 1 part baking soda; handle all cleaning solutions with care. Ammonia-based cleaners (all purpose Ethanol cleaners) Ammonia Vinegar and salt water mix for surfaces; baking soda and water. Glass cleaners Ammonia Naphthalene Wash windows with 1/4 to ½ cup white vinegar to 1 quart ...

Recycle City
Vinegar and salt instead of heavy-duty cleaners for surfaces One-half cup of white vinegar followed by one handful of baking soda instead of ... and sprinkle baking soda and scrub with soft nylon scrubber) Vinegar and water to clean walls, floors, and glass instead of special cleaners One teaspoon of olive oil mixed with juice of one lemon and one ... More from this site

Science Explorer: Mold Terrarium--watch blue,green,and white plants grow on food
Which one grows more mold? You can also experiment with natural preservatives like vinegar and salt. If you do more experimenting, let us know what you discover! This and dozens of other cool activities are included in ...

Science Explorer: Copper Caper--turn old pennies bright and shiny!
Why did the vinegar and salt clean the pennies? Copper oxide dissolves in a mixture of weak acid and table salt-and vinegar is an acid. You could also clean your pennies with salt and lemon juice or ... More from this site

Georgia-Pacific - Educational in Nature - The Right Chemistry
Let it sit overnight. What do you see now? The nail is coated with copper, and the pennies are bright and clean. What happened?: The combination of vinegar and salt dissolved the dull layer of tarnish from the surface of the copper pennies, leaving them shiny. The tarnish-removing process released copper ions into the vinegar. These ...

Alternatives to hazardous household products
Chemical fertilizers Use compost or coffee grounds, bone meal and wood ashes. Copper cleaner Scrub with vinegar and salt. Rinse well. Deodorizers/Air fresheners Simmer cinnamon and cloves. Drain openers Baking soda and vinegar ...

Wine is poured into the container and ... worried by some salt. So to halt or inhibit a yeast fermentation antioxidants, food acids, anaerobic conditions and heat are used. Bacteria like almost the opposite conditions to yeast and salt is often used ...

ForestHarvest - Recipes for wild foods from Scotland
Salt & pepper to taste Wash the nettles and remove the ... and leave to cool. Add the flowers, lemon juice, grated lemon zest and vinegar and cover with a thick cloth. Leave for 48 hours and then squeeze out the flowers and strain the mixture through a piece of muslin. Bottle it and ...

Healthy Families, Healthy Environment: News Archives
By what authority do you ... its saltiness, how can you make it salty again? Have salt in yourselves, and be at peace with each other. This is one ... , if more and more of us simply switched from using harsh chemicals to clean with to using hydrogen peroxide and vinegar we would ...

Locusts and Rose-starlings
They boiled them for a quarter of an hour, then fried them in a pan with pepper, salt and vinegar, and ate them just like that--throwing away the wings, legs and head, as Europeans might do with prawns. They were considered highly palatable. Source: An Account of Timbuctoo and Housa, by ...

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