Results 1 - 3 from 3 for solitary locusts in 0.148 sec.
Locusts and Rose-starlings
They change from generation to generation: solitaries can lay a plague generation, and plague locusts after several generations can suddenly revert to solitary ...
Preliminary study of the behavior and ecology of Jackson's chameleons of
Maui, Hawaii
(Fergeson et al. 1991). During the present study, a solitary lifestyle was typical of chameleons of all ages. Smaller individuals avoided larger ones. McKeown (1995 ... tiny prey, like fruit flies, to large items, such as wasps. Melrose (pers. comm.) found locusts and katydids were usually rejected by his pet chameleons, crickets were not. Motion always seems ...
Endangered species: Lesser Kestrel
After that, they scatter at breeding sites ... . As in open landscapes in steppes and savannas it hunts locusts and its favorite "delicacy", the onion-eater (Grylotalpidae). It also ... burn reedbeds, we see them along with Storks hunting mice and locusts trying to escape. Farmers know this and they protect them. ...