Results 1 - 10 from 44 for lesser kestrel in 0.248 sec.
Endangered species: Lesser Kestrel
Lesser Kestrel Oeonus is the quarterly magazine of the Hellenic Ornithological Society about birds and the environment. It is published in greek and distributed free to our supporters Endangered species: Lesser Kestrel by Dimitris Bousbouras The falcon which nests near the pigeons Lesser Kestrel (Falco naumanni), a falcon resembling Kestrel (Falco tinnunculus ...
Environmentalists Against War: Say No! to War
Duck Vulnerable: Socotra Cormorant Marbled Teal Greater Spotted Eagle Imperial Eagle Lesser Kestrel Corncrake Sociable Lapwing Conservation Dependent: Dalmatian Pelican Near-Threatened: Pygmy Cormorant Ferruginous ... billed Sandpiper Bar-tailed Godwit Curlew Turnstone Oystercatcher Swift Tern Bridled Tern Lesser Crested Tern White-cheeked Tern ...
Recent records
Jul: The Lesser Kestrel nest survey completed today revealed 21 active nests. Unfledged young ... Buzzard was seen heading north. June 25 Jun: A male Lesser Kestrel was seen carrying a lizard (probably Psammodromus algirus) to its ... over the Rock in the afternoon. 11 Jan: An early Lesser Kestrel was back at the North Face this morning, the first arrival ...
Raptor Rehabilitation Centre
These include kestrel, lesser kestrel and little owl. Less often, birds also arrive that have been confiscated by Police from ...
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IWRC Interview with Philip Dragoumis
Shag , Black Vulture, Imperial Eagle, Spotted Eagle, Bonelli's Eagle, Lesser Spotted Eagle, Eleonora's Falcon, Lanner, Lesser Kestrel, Great Bittern - some threatened throughout the world. online: Mostly avian? ... with? Philip: There are ten: Golden Eagle, Imperial Eagle, Steppe Eagle, Spotted Eagle, Lesser Spotted Eagle, Bonelli's Eagle, Booted Eagle, Short-tailed Eagle, White-tailed Eagle ( ...
LIPU-UK -> Working in Britain for Birds in Italy - Ali Notizie June 1998
Europe but in Italy it is rarer than the Lesser Kestrel (Falco naumanni), a species which is decreasing at the global level and as such, is ... regard to the European situation. The first four species in order of importance are the Lesser Kestrel, Ferruginous Duck (Athya nyroca), Corncrake (Crex crex) and Audouin's Gull (Larus audouinni), all of ...
LIPU-UK -> Working in Britain for Birds in Italy
Lesser Spotted Woodpeckers, Flycatchers, Penduline Tits and Wrens. Although work and ... in Italy. And then there are the c.50 pairs of Lesser Kestrel that breed in the gorge in Gravina di Laterza (near Taranto). ... 2000 areas in the Region of Lazio; the defence of the Lesser Kestrel in Puglia and Basilicata and of Cory's Shearwater in Sicily; ...
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The achievements of the Hellenic Ornithological Society
Pugmy Cormorant, Lesser White-fronted Goose, Osprey, Imperial Eagle, Dalmatian Pelican, Slender-billed Curlew, Bearded Vulture, Lesser Kestrel, Red-breasted Goose, Ferruginous Duck, White-headed Duck, Cinereous Vulture, Spotted Eagle, Lesser Spotted Eagle, Bonelli ...
Lesser Kestrel Falco sparverius American Kestrel, Sparrow Hawk Falco tinnunculus Old World Kestrel Falco newtoni Madagascar Kestrel Falco punctatus Mauritius Kestrel Falco araea Seychelles Kestrel Falco moluccensis Molluccan Kestrel Falco cenchroides Australian Kestrel, Nankeen Kestrel Falco rupicoloides White-eyed Kestrel, Greater Kestrel ...
The Hawk Conservancy Trust -
Black Vulture Isodor's Eagle Jerdon's Baza Kestrel King Vulture Lanner Falcon Lappet-faced Vulture Laughing Falcon Least Pygmy Owl Lesser Kestrel Levant Sparrowhawk Little Owl Lizard Buzzard Long- ... Madagascar Kestrel Magellan's Eagle Owl Malaysian Wood Owl Marsh Harrier Marsh Owl Martial Eagle Mauritius Kestrel Merlin Mississippi Kite Montagu's Harrier Mountain Hawk-eagle Nankeen Kestrel Northern ...
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