valuable old growth forest

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Tree Spirit and Earth Repair (Do or Die)
There is no immediate gratification, no overnight old growth forest or pristine wilderness - rather a slow, cumulative process of getting to grips with what surrounds ... encircle the entire plot with a good mixed hedge, which will in itself be extremely valuable to wildlife. Secondly there is the human element - acknowledging that we do have a place ...

New deadline for Jackson comments
It is the only state forest that is home to a significant percentage of mature redwoods, an increasingly rare and valuable forest ecosystem for both wildlife habitat and ... old-growth forest, wildlife habitat, and watercourses. I urge you to revisit the environmental impact report for Jackson Demonstration State Forest, and develop an alternative that would: o restore the natural forest ...

Chimane boarders, and oil companies in search of black gold. ... are less likely to cut down old-growth forests. These individuals are less willing to invest the time that it takes to cut down old-growth forest and favor activities that have a ...

Eco-Economy Indicators: FOREST COVER
Crucial to slowing the loss of the world's natural forests is finding alternative sources of energy for low-income countries, so that valuable wood is not ...

GREENWOOD WATERSHED ASSOCIATION REBUTTAL.) A citizens' group of forest lovers visited this special old growth forest in Greenwood Creek ... Unit G-2. Clearcutting on these extremely steep slopes will result in loss of valuable topsoil-thousands of years in the making-landslides and dirt in the headwaters of ...

Indiana Forest Alliance
When a forest is logged, these valuable services are degraded in order to benefit the private interest of only a ... organisms, some of which are important in the re-growth of a healthy forest. • Indiana has retained less than 1,500 acres of old growth forest. Old growth forests provide a unique and important habitat. The ...

The team hopes that discovering old-growth trees will bring awareness. ``There is this overall misconception that all of the forest ... . FACTS:IDENTIFYING OLD GROWTH Scientists use a dozen criteria to determine old-growth forest stands, although the definition of ``old-growth'' is up for debate. Here are some ways to pinpoint old trees by sight ...

Old-growth forest destruction in Finland by governmental Metsahallitus (Forest and Park Service) 2001:
FPS Defending the Hämeenvaara old-growth forest Clearcutting at Hämeenvaara Old-growth forest already logged "Old-growth forest" Hundreds of years old Scots pines Birch pulp wood sold to Stora Enso. "...a considerable amount of exceptionally valuable old-growth forest ...

Press release Jan. 7, 2002: Government-owned old-growth forest is again felled in Taivalkoski
Finland. The Forest and Park Service's loggings in the old-growth forests of Northern Finland are continually destroying valuable old-growth forest habitats, which according to all ecological assessments are already too scarce. The profit target allows no flexibility, not even for loggings in forests especially valuable ... More from this site

Jackson Forest EIR
It sets aside old-growth forest, and has a more focused approach to research, among other promising features. And it would appoint a bona fide public advisory committee for Jackson Forest. The one aspect ... 50,000 acres. It is the only state forest that is home to a significant percentage of mature redwoods, an increasingly rare and valuable forest ecosystem for both wildlife habitat and recreation. ...

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