unusual species

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Hawks Click on the species name to access our species profiles. Click on the thumbnail for a larger picture. Red-tailed Hawk (Buteo jamaicensis) Female, ... found a considerable distance from a road. He has limited flying abilities. He is an unusual species for an educational bird, and is very popular at programs. At booths, he often perches ...

Other amphibians
One species, the Pool Frog, appears to be native - but our native race of this species ... all our introduced species this gives most cause for concern and complete eradication from the wild in this country is essential. The African Clawed Toad (Xenopus laevis). This unusual looking largish ...

SoundNet - Whale Watching 2001 - An IFAW Report
Two of these (blue and northern right whales) are classified as endangered species, while two others (humpback and southern right whales) are considered vulnerable (IUCN Red ... attract seasoned whale watchers eager to see the smaller and sometimes more unusual species. Other vulnerable or rare species, typically with rare or limited distribution but forming part of whale watch ...

Plants For A Future - Link
Abbey EthnobotanicalsGood range of Sacred/Medicinal plants, with lots of unusual species.Buckingham NurseriesSeem to have a good range. Especially good for hedging plants/Trees. ... 6BJ. (01209) 861112.Very good general range with many unusual species.Cally GardensGatehouse of Fleet, Castle Douglas, Scotland, DG7 2DJ.Unusual perennials and some rare shrubs including Aralia cordata and ...

Ireland Tour '2002 -
National Botanic Gardens, spread over 49 acres and containing more than 20,000 plant species. Our guided tour focused on the spectacular glass houses containing cacti, orchids, succulents and ... and shrubs, including many unusual varieties grown from seed. Equally charming, Anna Nolan's suburban garden is likewise home to an intriguing display of unusual species, including many miniatures such as ...

ECO-PROS Invasive Non-Native Species
Many humans want to design their own ecosystems to fit their needs. They bring in ornamental flowering trees, non-native fish, specialty seeds, and unusual animals. This can wreak havoc on the natural species and the established habitat. Ornamental exotic plants, flowers and trees, ...

Mass Species extinction: A Winnowing For Tomorrows World.
To produce offspring species, they would have to maintain population totals, hence ... of species and with unusual complexity of ecological workings. These environments have served in the past as pre-eminent "power-houses" of evolution, meaning they have thrown up more species than ...

SCS: Harbour Seal (Phoca vitulina)
Appendix II species under the Bonn Convention. The species is also listed as a protected species under Annex II and ... killing, collecting or possession of the species or any part or product obtained from the species. Despite this protection harbour seals have ... Bay, California, but this behaviour is thought to be extremely unusual. Ungava Seal: The vast majority of the lakes and rivers ...

SCS: Galápagos Fur Seal (Arctocephalus galapagoensis)
They became a protected species under Ecuadorian legislation in the 1930s, but protection only really became effective after 1959 when ... and non-territorial males and almost 100% of large territorial males. There were reports of unusual distributions of Galápagos fur seals during the 1997-1998 El Niño event but monitoring of ... More from this site

EWT Species
The species lives in small groups (average of 7) unlike most other dolphins keeping in larger groups. The biggest Humpback Dolphin group ever seen comprised 25 dolphins. It’s not unusual to ... and expansion of harbours and marinas in estuarine ecosystems, pose the biggest threats to the species. Additional threats include habitat destruction caused by the removal of mangrove trees, poor farming ...

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