unauthorized appropriations

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Authorizations and Appropriations
In the Senate, there is a more limited prohibition against considering unauthorized appropriations. Both House and Senate rules require that when the Committees on Appropriations ...

Mount Graham Coalition: UN Testimony 1998
Congressional rules against authorizing in an appropriations bill. Those exemptions are by definition an exercise in discrimination against those who ... paragraph 15, if its conditions have been breached, which happened, for example, with the unauthorized construction of facilities beyond those permitted. Those were removed on the order of ...

Capitol Commentary | Lee White | August 2008 | OAH Newsletter
Weinstein submitted a report, entitled β€œThe Founders Online,” to the Committees on Appropriations of the U.S. Congress. This report is the National Archives response to ... Dissemination,” meaning that the information requires safeguarding measures that reduce the risks of unauthorized or inadvertent disclosure. Material contains additional instructions on what dissemination is permitted. β€œ ...