discretionary spending

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Results 1 - 10 from 18 for discretionary spending in 0.640 sec.

Ecological Footprints 3 - Guide to Assignment
I did the mending Total Points for Clothing Choices: Box 4. Recreation and Discretionary Spending NOTE: Recreational land use is difficult to add up for individuals, because unless you are ... Total Box 1: Transportation Box 2. Water Use Box 3. Clothing Box 4. Recreation and Discretionary Spending Box 5. Food Box 6. Household Garbage/Refuse sent to Land Fills Box 7. Living ...

Ecological Footprints 3 - Guide to Assignment
Total Points for Clothing Choices: 15 Box 4. Recreation and Discretionary Spending NOTE: Recreational land use is difficult to add up for individuals, because unless you are ... Box 2. Water Use 45 195 Box 3. Clothing 15 210 Box 4. Recreation and Discretionary Spending 97 307 Box 5. Food 90 397 Box 6. Household Garbage/Refuse sent to Land ... More from this site

Authorizations and Appropriations
Food Stamp program, require periodic renewal. Discretionary spending, which is provided in the 13 appropriation acts, now makes up only about one-third of all federal expenditures. For discretionary spending ...

Conservation Policy - National Association of Conservation Districts
Some conservation funding comes through the annual discretionary spending, or appropriations, process. Other programs are funded through mandatory programs for such as the omnibus ...

The Green Party Speaks on Peace and Non-Violence
Military spending accounts for about half of all discretionary spending in the budget proposal. This means that the combined budget for all other programs in all other agencies and departments just equals what the military is getting. This spending ...

be, live, buy make a difference
All Actions Action Updates Petitions Discuss Actions Send E-cards Expand All | Collapse All Youth spending and the planet—shopping for a better tomorrow Young people are a growing consumer force ... Y is the largest age group since the Boomers: along with their size comes unprecedented discretionary spending and influence. What if they were to use this buying power on stuff that's ...

In Lean Times, Whole Foods Tries for a Fresh Image
The company was once a Wall Street darling, but its sales ...

Population Action International : Trends in U.S. Population Assistance
The FY 2007 ... Release 2007: Mr. President: Read the Bill!... >> Press Release 2007: Statement on the omnibus spending bill/contraceptives exemption... >> Report: Condoms Count... >> Res. Commentary: Contraceptives and Unmet Need... >> Documentary ...

Kaine asks for cuts of $32 million -
Kaine called for $32 million in new spending cuts Friday to balance the current two-year budget, relying largely on reductions in discretionary spending and personnel costs, including the elimination ... we have again found ways to reduce state spending while minimizing the impact on our citizens." Kaine ordered about $9 million in discretionary spending cuts, curtailing travel, employee training, and ...

Friends of Red Hill Valley
City should be spending significantly more than it currently does." Secondly, the budget forecast (including the $100 million that ... , will cost $45-50 million, or more than the next six years worth of discretionary capital spending. The full staff report is on the City website at ...