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Seal Conservation Society: 1997 News Digest
Increasing sea lion mortality in squid fishery trawl nets has led to the decision to draw up a new management plan for the species ... their numbers. The fishermen argue that the fur seals and sea lions are destroying their nets and stealing their catch whereas conservationists argue that the interactions of these animals with the ...
SCS: South American Sea Lion (Otaria flavescens)
There are also widespread interactions with trawl fisheries, the opportunistic male sea lions often following trawl boats and being shot or becoming entangled in the trawl nets. Drift gill net fisheries may ... expanding salmon farming industry, especially in Chile, sea lions becoming entangled in the protective nets around the farms or being shot by fish farmers to protect their stocks. In ...
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Monterey Bay Aquarium: Seafood Watch Program - How Fish are Caught or Farmed
Purse seines are primarly used for schooling fish Fishermen use ... They tow midwater trawl nets at various depths, ranging from just below the surface to just off the seafloor. They drag bottom trawl nets along the ... or near the seafloor, such as cod, flounder and shrimp. Trawl nets catch everything in their path and can damage the seafloor ...
2007 IUCN Red List – Search
(Stobutzki et al. 2002, Stephenson and Chidlow in prep., McAuley ... (TEDs) in trawl nets of some Australian fisheries, has significantly reduced their capture of large elasmobranchs (Brewer et al. 1998), however TEDs are not mandatory in several trawl fisheries in northern ...
Gold Seal - Alaska Salmon: Wild, Sustainable, Pure
All nets are limited in their length, depth, and periods of operation, as are the gear and operation of troll (hook) gear. Trawl nets are not allowed for salmon ...
Dolphin Care UK -
More recently, tests have been made on devices to allow dolphins to escape from pelagic trawl nets. In March 2004, the European Commission introduced a new regulation aimed at reducing the bycatch of harbour porpoises in bottom set gillnets and entangling nets. From the ...
EJF: Impacts of bycatch
European Union's fishing industry. However, the fine meshed trawl nets used to capture brown shrimp (Crangon crangon) also incidentally catch high levels of non ... the oceans with fine-mesh nets. Unless adequately managed, these trawl fisheries are particularly indiscriminate in their capture of non-target marine life or "bycatch". Shrimp trawl fisheries alone are responsible ...
EJF: Impacts at Sea and On Land
For example, common infractions in the region include the use of trawl nets with mesh of a smaller than permitted size, destructive bottom ... bottom living) fish. In Guinea, for instance, the licensed demersal fish trawl fishery is estimated to discard 25% of its catch, the ... nets along the seabed, habitats that support marine life are damaged. One study has found that the pass of a single shrimp trawl ...
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EuroTurtle - Preventative measures
Turtle Excluder Device, (TED), can be installed into trawl nets at a low cost ($50-$400). These do not impair ... catch considerably. This means that the fishing vessel has to trawl a much heavier net through the water than it would want ... trawl times". It has been shown that the length of time that a vessel has its nets or lines out is proportional to turtle mortality rates. If a trawl ...
EuroTurtle - Incidental catching of Turtles
Trawl-nets, the turtles are "scooped-up" by the net. Having entered the net they very rarely find a way out due to the sheer size of the trawl. In a ...
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